Feeling a little panick-y

This weekend we went up to Boone for a last minute, end of summer trip.  It was AWESOME!  The kids were super enjoyable, there was good sight seeing, and the weather was fabulous!  On Sunday while my friends in the Charlotte area were melting in the humidity, we were cool as cucumbers.  I hardly even sweat (and believe me- for me that is a minor miracle).

In case you didn't know, Appalacian State University is in Boone, NC.  I love a college campus- even if it's not "mine."  I loved college.  Loved it.  I would love to go back for just a week.  Live on campus, eat in the cafeteria with everyone, go to class (because this time I would appreciate it more), do homework, and hang out with friends.  I wouldn't want to do it forever.  I wouldn't give up my current life, but I'd like to go visit my old life for a week. 

While we were driving by campus, I said to Doug, "Can you belive that in 17 years . . . we could be dropping Alexa off at college?!"  There were so many thoughts that statement brought up for me.  One, how incredibly lonely will we be?!  Two, it'll be so quiet.  Three, will we pay more attention to each other?  Four, will I know how to be alone?  While I certainly don't have first hand experience with an empty nest- I understand how people could feel depressed by it.  I feel depressed just thinking about it.

This morning while I was driving Alexa and I to her 1 year well visit appointment, I got to thinking about that whole taking my kids to college thing again, and I got panicked.  17 years ago I was starting my freshman year at Winthrop.  That sounds so long ago, but it went so fast!  Are the next 17 years going to go this fast?  If so, I don't like that at all! And now I feel panicked by how quickly time passes and that I am not appreciating all that I have right this second. 


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