Disc Golf Fun

I called my mom Thursday and said, "What's something fun we could do this weekend?"  She's good at thinking of things to do that are fun.  She said, "I have nothing."  Dang.  That was a let down.  Then she redeemed herself and said, "Hey- what about disc golf?"

Kind of random right?  My dad started playing disc golf this fall and has been raving about it. He even set up a little course around his yard, so they could play over Christmas when the family was there to visit.

If you don't know what it is- it's basically throwing these frisbee-like things at baskets- but way harder.  The course we went to today, we had one hole that was 640 ft from where you started to where the basket is located.

IT WAS SUPER FUN!  We were crying laughing at ourselves.  Unfortunately, I forgot my phone, so I only have this one picture that I told Doug to take with his phone, so I could at least have one picture for this blog post.  If you're local and reading this, there's a good course over behind SPCC in Monroe.  It's 18 holes, and it took us about 2+ hours to get through.  However- it was a beautiful day and the course was lovely.  I have no idea how much we walked (I also forgot my FitBit- which I had taken off to charge).

Look at this form! (hahaha)

Doug, Alexa, Andrew, and I had never played on an actual course.  Until today, I had never even thrown an actual disc.  We didn't go out there with the expectation of winning.  We went out with the expectation of it's something different than we normally do, and a way to be outside having fun.  That's exactly what we did.  We were not great.  Andrew could throw them long distances, but he didn't have a lot of accuracy.  He had to go searching for his disc a lot.  Doug had a magnet to trees, and his frequently bounced off trees.  I had very little accuracy and I could only throw 50 feet at a time (if I was on point, usually 30 feet)- so on holes where you had to 600+ feet from the tee to the basket, I threw . . . a lot.  Alexa surprisingly wasn't bad.  She didn't throw very far, but she didn't have to go searching all over creation for hers, like Andrew frequently did.  She didn't have a long attention span. She tapped out on hole #8 (right after she accidentally hit her brother with her disc and he retaliated).  Andrew lasted the entire time, but talked about where we were getting ice cream the entire time (my parents decided to join us, and if my Dad goes anywhere with us, then we know ice cream is part of the deal.  It's a good system and hereditary.  His Dad always took us to get ice cream.  I will have to carry on the tradition with my grandchildren, I guess.  If I must.). My mom made it to hole #`15.  I made it to hole #18.5.  (I threw two throws on hole #18 and got too tired. (really- I was trash talking Andrew, and flexed my arm and hurt it and couldn't throw anymore, but he doesn't know all that).

I cannot wait to do that again!  It was cheap (I went to Play It Again Sports and bought used discs, the course we went to is free, and very close.)  and I got exercise and entertained and was outside.  Definitely a win!


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