Day 1 of Resolutions? Goals? Exercising? Whatever.

Okay- I did it.  I survived. 

I actually started on a great video.  It was enough that I felt a little burn, but not so much that I thought I was going to die.  (side note: if you're fit- do not click on this link.  You'll be horrified that I felt a little burn from this)

Here I am before I started:

I had a small moment of panic when I felt like I might be grapevining.  I mean- was this the 90's?!  No worries.  There wasn't really any grapevining.  Thank goodness. 

Please watch me attempt to move more than 2 body parts at one time. 

How can I be this uncoordinated?  (funny story- before Doug and I got married, I decided we should take Shag lessons. Clearly Doug was young and in love- because he would NEVER agree to such nonsense now.  Like- ever.  Needless to say- I was HORRIFIC.  I couldn't remember the sequence of the moves, I couldn't keep the beat. I was terrible.  FYI- the Shag is not exactly a difficult dance.  I still can't do the Electric Slide- because I can't remember the order of the dance moves.  I can Cupid Shuffle- but that's only because the moves are part of the song.)  Anyway- I am uncoordinated.  

The worst part of today? My feet cramped up.  I need to be sure to stretch really well tomorrow before I do this video again, so I can get more out of it.  I ended up missing some exercises because I was stretching my feet.  

So- Day 1 was not a total failure.  I'll do it again tomorrow.  


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