Are they Goals or Resolutions?

I used to be really into pop-culture and would read "news" sites like or  As I have gotten older, I've moved away from that.  I moved to NPR for awhile, but NPR has disappointed me with the obvious bias in their news reporting, so I've moved away from that too.  Now I follow the Associated Press and the BBC- but I stick to mostly national and international news.  I don't really follow anything about pop culture.  I am on the Twitter, but I tend to follow athletes on there.   I say all of that, to say, I used to be aware of the trends.  Not that I did the trends, but I was at least aware of them.  At New Years- there are always trends to help inspire resolutions for the upcoming year.  But this year I have been totally unaware of them.  Are people even doing resolutions anymore?  Is that what people do now?  Is that an uncool term, now?

I follow several influencers on Instagram (basically they're "regular" people who help promote products for kickbacks.  Sometimes they're paid, sometimes they're just genuine reviews of products they like to use, mostly they're stories of things that happen in their lives.  My four favorite are: a farmhouse decorator, a beauty blogger, a plus sized model, and a mom/decorator).  One of them is very goal oriented. She tends to talk a lot about her goals and how she and her husband communicate about their goals for the week/month/quarter/year/5 years . . . you get it. 

I've been feeling . . . like I should have a goal or resolution to get some structure. I've been totally unstructured for 2+ weeks. I adore these 2 weeks of being unstructured.  But I'm always ready to get back to a routine. 

I have a couple of goals: I want to read actual books.  I'm a voracious reader.  I read from Kindle App.  Which is so convenient and lovely, but it also means I'm not reading things that are actually improving my brain.  I tend to read "bubble gum" type books- well I like the bubble gum with pop rocks in it, or super spicy bubble gum because I like my books with a little trash in them.Regardless, they're not exactly books that are getting my brain thinking. They're easy and great for an escape.  I want to try and read a little more quality.  I'll try to read one not so trashy, actual book a month. This month I'm reading "The Handmaid's Tale."  If you have any book suggestions, I'd love to hear them.  I tend to prefer fiction.  I do not like suspense, paranormal, futuristic sci-fi, or when children are abused or die.   I prefer strong female characters.     

This next one is kind of cliche', but it's also kind of a necessary goal.  I'm jumping on the "exercise" bandwagon.  This past week, Doug and I were working on making a patio out of cement pavers that we bought at Lowes.  Every. Day. for 5 days we bought either: pavers, or bags of "stuff" to help the pavers be stable on the level ground.  Here's what I discovered. I'm weak.  Like, real weak.  I can't even open containers anymore.  My hands are weak. My arms are weak. My legs are weak.  So I'm going to do some exercise videos from YouTube.  I've researched the channels I'm going to pick videos from.  For the month of January, I'll blog about me doing these videos because I'm super out of shape, super weak, and super uncoordinated, so this should provide some quality entertainment for all of us.  I'll start tomorrow.  Brace yourselves and be prepared to have a good chuckle at my expense.   


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