How I See The First Day Going

Welp, it's here.  Summer is officially over.  North Carolina is back to school tomorrow.   Alexa is super nervous as she's going to a new building with new friends (long story, but there are 2 elementary schools back to back.  For years they've been separate entities.  Now they've combined and have a primary school of K-2, and her school 3-5. She's at the "new to her" building.  With a teacher that taught her bff last year.  With several of the same specials teachers, and 13 kids she's been in school with for 4 years.  She's going to be fine.  I know she's going to be fine.  She's all kinds of worried about these new kids and new building) Anyway- to try to help her focus on the positive things, we made a list of the things we were looking forward to.  She made a list.  I made a list. 

While I was working on my list- I kind of laughed to myself, because this is how I envision tomorrow going, seeing all the kids after a long summer off.  My running by greeting them all like the super cool gal I am: 

Image result for basketball PreGame

This is how my students will see my enthusiastic greeting: 
Image result for nerdy adults waving

And in reality- this is how it's going to be: 
Image result for high school classroom in chaos

Happy first day of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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