Back To School Shopping

I decided to get the back to school shopping taken care of this week.  But I wanted it out of the way.  On Monday, I took Alexa to Walmart to get her school supplies.  I should have just dropped her off at the door with my debit card because that's about how much she needed me.  I pushed the cart and stood around.  I tried to show her super cool things like erasable highlighters and she sighed in exasperation at how totally ridiculous I am for showing her such frivolous things.  So then I just stood around trying to decide if I needed super cool things.  I restrained myself to flamingo pencils.

While I watched her holding her list on her clipboard, and checking things off I became so . . .  sad?  Amazed?  Proud?  Something.

I mean- she's so dang independent.  Which is great sometimes.  (Don't get me wrong- sometimes it's super annoying).  She didn't ask me where to locate the items.  To read the items.  To help her decide which item.  She didn't need me to do anything, but pay.  In fact- the less I participated- the better.  It made me a little sad because it's a sign of the future that she won't need me.  I'll have to walk a fine line of being involved because I like her and I'm interested in what she's interested in, but I won't be able to be overbearing.  I'll have to be "vaguely interested."   I'm not good at playing it cool.  I'm all in.  All up in the business.  But at the same time- go girl!  You do you!  Make your decisions like a boss.

She was so careful to get everything on the list.  She's ready for school.  Meanwhile . . .  I'm standing on the aisle watching her not need me, and wondering if her brother needs anything for the first day- 

Alrighty dude.  Way to impress your HIGH SCHOOL teachers.  


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