What He Lacks in Subtlety . . .

Lately I am feeling like Doug is hogging Andrew.   I don't think it's intentional.  I think it's just one of those- the boys have similar interests; as  Alexa and I tend to enjoy a lot of the same things.  

I decided I would have to be a little forceful, in making sure I get my time with Andrew.  We had a perfect opportunity tonight.  He had a flag football game, so I demanded I would be the one to take him.  Well, wouldn't you know it?! When we got to the game- it had gotten cancelled at the last minute due to an electrical situation with the lights.  What a bummer!  (for Andrew- not for me.  I didn't mind not sitting out in the chill)

Gosshhhh . . . what to do?!  It was only 6:30.  The night was so young.   We decided to stop for a treat on the way home (I take so little convincing).  I just happened to have cash, so we could have this treat in complete secrecy.  We were going to obliterate all evidence.  Napkins safely hidden.  Faces completely wiped clean.  Not even an electronic payment to give me away, when Doug checked the bank statement.

When we pull onto our street, Andrew starts to discuss how he would enter the house, so that his Dad and sister wouldn't even suspect our secret treat.  As we walk in the house, he realizes . . . 

he dribbled all over his shirt!  

All this proves to me is . . . this kid ain't gonna get away with jack!  I'll catch 'im every time cause that kid doesn't know how to hide the evidence!


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