Presence of Mind

Here's the story:
Alexa and I arrived home this evening, after the boys had left to take Andrew to practice.  The house was dim, with only one light on.  Alexa walks in, and puts her stuff down, announces she's going to take a shower.  Meanwhile- I have left the door to the garage open, as I am going back out to get the rest of the things out of the car, and take the trash to the road.  While I do this a lot- there's always the thought in the back of my head . . . what if this is the moment that we have a home invasion, and I'm locked out of the house and my children are defenseless, inside the house.  Morbid?  Probably.

Anyway, I got the stuff out of the car, took the trash down, walked in the house, and heard the shower running.  I decided I would let Alexa know I was going to use the restroom in my bathroom, and make sure she had set the timer, so that she would get out of the shower within a reasonable time period.  She hadn't- she never does.  I set the timer, started across the house, and heard blood curdling screaming.

Now- this is Alexa, so there is a strong chance this could be a "small" over-reaction.  But . . . maybe not.  I walked back over to the bathroom, while she kept screaming. I tried to open the door and there was something blocking it from being opened.  My heart leaped into my throat.  My brain did that thing where it thinks of a million things in like a 1/2 second.  I pushed again- and . . . Alexa is cowering against the door- still screaming.  There's not an invader in the bathroom.  There's not some supernatural event happening in the bathroom.  There's a bug on the shower wall.

Holy smokes.  She completely freaked me out- for a bug.  A bug that I was willing to get with just one toilet paper square- so NOT a scary, gross bug.

But you know what actually killed me about this whole thing . . . as I'm walking back out of the bathroom, do you know what she did?  Turned her timer back on.  Yeah- she had the presence of mind- in all of her "panic" to turn her stinking timer off, so that she wouldn't lose that time, while I came to her rescue.  This girl, y'all.  This girl.


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