Christmas Crazies

Every year my mom declares, "Well! The Christmas Crazies have started."  Some years they start early (as in before Thanksgiving) and other years they start later. (as in a few days before the actual Day).  Her version of the Christmas Crazies involves sleepless nights, frenetic decorating, and long lists of all the things she has to do, in order for the holiday to be perfect.

I have Christmas Crazies too.  Mine tend toward the forgetful side of things.  It began this week. 'Cause lets be real y'all- I'm a teacher and I am so ready for my break- I can hardly stand myself . . . or the kids.  :-)

Here are a few of the dorky things I've done this week, as I remember them, so . . . should be a short list.
1. I was pulling up to the door at Alexa's school, and suddenly forgot which door I drop her off, and drove too far up.  You know, it would be one thing if they had just started using this door, but I've dropped a kid off at that door for the last 6 years.  After 6 years a person should just have it done by rote memory.  Then I had to back up- about 50 feet and the road curved - without hitting another car, or the curb.  The whole time, Alex'a saying, "Mom!  Don't hit anything!!!"  Thanks for your faith Little Girl.
2.  Yesterday I forgot my keys in my car.  I leave them in the same place everyday.  At the first opportunity, I went back out to my car to get them.  Since I was out there, I decided to get a few coins for the vending machine.  I went to the main office to drop something off, chatted with a principal, walked back down to my office to get my bag and realized . . . "shoot! I can't get in my office, I don't know where my keys are!"  I went to my 2nd period- sans school bag.  (Great example to the students.)  I asked the student "helper" (for you non education peeps, or teacher assistant- for my fellow high school teachers) to go get my keys where I must have left them in the office.  He came back empty handed.  What the heck????  Where could I have left them?!!!  After several hours of being irritatingly locked out of my office and having to find people with Master Keys; I went looking for my keys.  They were still in my car.  Apparently earlier, I got change, but not keys, which  is what I went out to get.  Duh.
3. I was playing a review game with my students yesterday.  I had made the game the night before. The game should have been fresh on my mind.  It was a good 4 questions before I realized we were playing a review game intended for another class- that I didn't make.  The kids made fun of me excessively for that.  They should.  That was DUMB.

Anyway, the point is:  Christmas has a strange effect on us.  It turns our children into energetic, talkative, excitable, emotional nuts.  And it turns adults into stressed, forgetful, neurotic kooks.   And yet . . . it remains the most favorite season of them all.


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