The Messiest Award Goes To (drum roll please . . . )


Alexa's messes overwhelm me.  I can't keep up with them.  They come out of no-where. I leave a room, and when I go back 10 minutes later a hurricane blew through it and left a path of naked princesses, jewelry, markers, bits of paper, My Little Pony hair accessories, random bits of Legos, and swords.

Sometimes the Hurricane leaves a swath of filth behind.  This morning, Alexa and I had spent some time digging up rocks we found at a park.  As soon as we walked back in the door, I took the dog for a walk, Andrew finally decided to take a shower, and in the 10 minutes I'm out of the house . . . Alexa decided to wash the rocks in the kitchen sink.  The thing is . . . she used the last of my Bath and Body foaming Lemon Kitchen hand soap and the scrub brush I scrub dishes with.  Plus, there was a sink full of dirty dishes that now have red clay and sand all over them, and in the other side of the sink there were splatters of mud all over the clean pots and wooden spoons and other things I had hand washed last night.  And splatters of mud behind the sink, and muddy hand prints on the soap dispenser.  And since she had used up the last of my soap, she "couldn't clean the rocks anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I found a bucket, put a bit of dish soap in it, filled it with warm water and had her put the rocks in it, and we took that bucket to the back patio.  Then I emptied the dishwasher, refilled the dishwasher, re-washed the clean dishes, and wiped all the mud off from the back of the sink.

Are you tired?  Me too.


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