Winning the Battle, but Losing the War

I never used to understand what that phrase meant, until recently.  There's a war that goes on in my house.  I bet it goes on in yours too.  It's called . . . "The Clutter War."  I might win a battle here and there, but overall, I am losing the war.  Miserably.  I am a Feng Shui person, living with pack rats.  All of them.  Even the dog (she's just as bad as the kids about leaving her toys all over the house). At one time I thought Alexa would be my partner in this war against clutter.  She's a complete disappointment. She's one of the worst offenders of the group!  I find her stuff EVERYWHERE!!!  She likes to just kick her shoes off right as she walks in the house- right in the middle of the doorway.

The other day I thought I just might lose my mind- but before I went on a cleaning rampage, I photographed the clutter to share it with you:

This is my mantle- covered in 4 year old birthday party supplies, and material to make a blanket for my nephew, that I bought 4 months ago.  Good thing I am on it!

Right next to the junk covered mantle is Alexa's craft corner- overflowing.

The end table is basically unusable- except for holding books and Andrew's glasses and chords, apparently.  

Doug's dresser . . .  I just won't even address this.  Frankly- this is actually looking good.  

Even my bathroom counter is covered in stuff.  


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