Peach Parfait

After my brother was born, my grandmother came to stay with us for a week or so, while my mom adjusted to a newborn.  I don't remember a whole lot about that visit, but I do remember 2 things: she introduced me to "Days of Our Lives" which paved the way for my mom continuing to let me watch it (and then watching it for me, and updating me when I got home from school.  I was 11 years old.  What was my mother thinking?!), and she made me the BEST most fabulous, special dessert.  I'm feeling particularly nostalgic about this dessert this summer, because this is the first summer I can't call and thank her for introducing me to such a wonder.

What the heck is that loveliness?  It my friends, is a peach parfait.  While the ingredients are simple, the brands used, and the amounts are pretty specific.  First you need perfect peaches.  Dice them up.  Next you need a special glass.  Then you need Breyers Vanilla ice cream.  It absolutely must be Breyers, and vanilla bean.  No other will do.  Then you need just the smallest drizzle of Hershey's Chocolate Sauce.  Just a drizzle!  You only want the smallest hint of chocolate.  Too much is too sweet and it takes away from the peach.  Too little- and the parfait isn't quite right.  Then pile in some peaches.  Then do the ice cream and chocolate sauce again.  Continue until you've used up all the peaches. You can top it with whip cream, if you want.  It's good with or without it.  Either way it is absolute perfection.

The milky, vanilla-y, creaminess of the ice cream with the peaches is Heaven.  The chocolate sauce adds just a bit of chocolate-y sweetness.

While I enjoy my version.  My grandmother's was better, but aren't most things?


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