
Oh the troubles with Pinterest and looking at the Better, Homes, & Gardens site!  It creates a longing for a completely redecorated home.  I mean, how have I lived in this blah house for so long?  These walls are all wrong, this furniture positionging, wrong, these pictures . . . wrong! 

Trouble is, to completely redecorate it, costs money and time.  And unfortunately, I have to follow a budget and I am a mother.  Which means, I have a small amount of money to completely redecorate and small amount of time. 

I hate that moment when you're sitting there happily daydreaming of the beauty your house will be, and then reality hits and you realize, that you live in a house with children and a husband and your house is never going to look like a show room, because your house is actually a home.  And while I would much rather have a home, than a show room, every now and then it'd be nice to have a show room. 

I was determined to redecorate something, and I finally settled on the kitchen table and chairs.  There was a couple of reasons for this: 1, I plan to start repainting the bedroom furniture, but wanted to practice on something I might replace anyway (we've been discussing a new kitchen table for awhile, just haven't actually gone about looking for one) and 2, the table and chairs were completely not decorator cool. 

I won't lie, I completely and totally planned this project without letting Doug in on the plans.  My mother said, "I am noticing a pattern, every time Doug leaves on a trip, you paint."  Mmmm, I wonder why?  Oh yeah, probably because then I can do the project without him criticizing me. 

I actually did the research, and found there's this new awesome primer, that you can paint onto furniture and won't have to sand.  No matter how much varnish is on it!  This primer was AWESOME!  I used 2 coats on the top, just for extra protection, but not because it really needed it.  The I painted several coats of paint on, mostly because it took 3 coats to cover up the paint.  I added a conditioner to the paint to minimize brush strokes, and then I put 3 coats of polyurethane on the top to give it extra protection.  I also spray painted the chairs to make them a little snazzier.  Here's the finally product:


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