And So It Begins

Alexa's birthday is this weekend.  She will officially be 2.  She's certainly got that bossing characteristic down pat. 

Doug and I decided we would get her a tricycle.  I had this vision in my head of those Red Flyer, old fashioned, metal tricycles.  How completely cute are they?  She'd be so stinking cute with her little bike helmet on, and her curls poking out underneath.  She'd be totally darling riding around on the driveway. 
Well, I puttzed around and finally decided to buy the tricyle, but had to go to Toys R Us, because Target and Wal Mart (stores that are near my house) only carry the type of tricycle I didn't want: plastic, some God Awful Girly character, sparkles, lights, and played music. Since I puttzed around I had to bring her and Andrew with me as we're now on a time crunch.  I wasn't too worried about it.  She is really observant, but I figured I could somehow get this tricycle into my car without her really noticing. 

So we get to the bike section in Toys R Us and she immediately sees, exactly what I didn't want to buy.  A Minnie Mouse, pink, plastic, sparkly, computerized horror.  She LOVED it.  She hopped right on it and rode it around and around.  Gahhhh  What a dilemma.  Do I buy the item I HATED?! Or the item, she HATED?  What to do?!  I called my mother.  She is a genius and always knows exactly how to solve these issues.  The genius that she is, suggested that I get the one I wanted down and see if she likes it.  Maybe she only loves that Pink Confection Nightmare because it was down and she could get on it.  So I get the Red, Beauty down and Alexa starts waving her hands and saying, "No! No no no no!!!  BACK!  BACK!"  Then she gets off Minnie's Trike of Torture and shoves The Magnificent Metal one away.  My mother, who hears all of this in the background says with wisdowm, "Well, I guess you know what to do now."  

And so we left (without Alexa noticing) with this, which fulfilled every single item I did NOT want this tricycle to be. 

And so it begins, me having these grand notions of what would be completely awesome, and Alexa doing the complete opposite.  Sighhhhhhhhh


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