A Troublesome Cub

Andrew's Nana and Poppy (that's Doug's parents) gave him a book called The Troublesome Cub.  It's such a cute book.  It's all about how this little bear cub slips away from his napping mama and finds a world of trouble.  I often find myself thinking how Alexa is . . . a bit troublesome. 

The trouble is . . . she's a disaster waiting to happen!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought Andrew was a disaster waiting to happen.  Yet again I realize, I had no idea how good I had it with him!  Yes, he played rowdy and jumped and climbed and slipped and fell, but . . . he had no one to show him daring feats that were not intended for his lack of age or development.  Alexa, who doesn't need anyone to show her daring feats, as she comes up with plenty on her own, has someone that does just that.

Yesterday we discovered that she is able to climb up the playset ladder- all by herself!!!  That's almost 6 feet off the ground!  There are 3 openings in which she could tumble out and . . . well I just don't want to know what would happen if she did.  I was inside fixing dinner, Andrew was swinging, and Doug had stepped away for a second . . . and suddenly Andrew is yelling for Doug- to quick come over and help him!  Alexa was already up on top of the playset and running across the bridge!!!!!  When Doug stepped away, she wasn't even near the playset!
We also discovered that she has figured out how to operate door knobs (much to Andrew's chagrin, as well as mine when I ran into the bathroom earlier and was quickly apprehended).  We don't have the pull down knob variety, we have the turn variety.  This evening I have tried to be extra aware of locking the dead bolt from the kitchen to the garage, because Lord knows . . . she'll open that door and fall down the brick stairs to the concrete garage floor.  Why would she bother to open the door?  Oh, because I keep the trash outside that door, where it can not be disturbed by children, and she likes to throw things away.  Last night she was throwing clean laundry away in the bathroom trashcan. 
Tonight at dinner, she got a sharp paring knife not once, not twice, but three times.  Yes folks, three times!  Since when did I start carelessly leaving knives around the house?  I don't.  I had brought a knife to the dinner table to cut up food, and when I stepped away from the table to get Andrew's drink, she followed me over and when I turned around she was holding the knife by the blade!!!!!  Then when she was playing in the sink after dinner, she somehow discovered 2 other knives that I had sitting off to the side- out of her grasp (I incorrectly thought!).
Oh the adventures that I am in store for, with this girl!!!!


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