The Things I Wonder When I'm at Chick Fil A with Big A and Little A

1.  Why can't Andrew get it through his thick skull that Alexa does NOT want him to invade her space?!!!!  I attempted to have a rational discussion with him about it.  It went like this, "Andrew, why can't you understand that Alexa does NOT want you in her space?  Everytime you get within a foot of her- she literally screams at you."  Do you know what he said, "Well, I want her in my space."  Poor Andrew, he's just like his dad- a toucher.  And Alexa is just like me, she doesn't want anyone near her.  (which is why we're still struggling with biting- 3 months later.  The kids in her room just can't get it through their thick skulls- she doesn't want anyone in her space!!!!) 

2.  This one is a real mystery.  Why did Andrew want to put the breading from his Chick Fil A nugget- in his shoe?!  Just try and come up with a logical explanation for that one. 


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