Difference Between Dirt and Soil
Here's a sample of a conversation as we're walking into the house from school today: Andrew: We talked about soil today! Doug: Really?! What's the difference between soil and dirt? (he's just itching to prove Andrew's teacher wrong.) Me: (major eye rolling. They practically get stuck wrong ways out.) Andrew: soil is darker and dirt is lighter Me: (sounds fairly accurate for a first grader) Doug: NO! Hah! Dirt is what you bring in your momma's house and soil is everything else! Me: (well that's clear as mud.) Doug: Really, dirt is any misplaced soil Andrew: Can I bring this Wonder Dough to school because it's kind of like clay? Doug: Yeah, well what's the biggest particle in soil? Me: (here it comes . . . wait for it . . . ) Andrew: There are three parts to soil, sand, loam, and clay. Doug: (chagrinned) That's right. Although- later he says, "That's technically not right, it's sand, silt, and clay. But I didn...