What Not to Say

Here is an example of something you should not say to your wife, when you get in bed with her- after returning home from being gone all weekend. 

Damn crabs!!!!! 

Here's the story.  Doug went fishing with his dad this past weekend for a long weekend.  He came home Monday evening around 5:45. When he walks in the door he is walking with a very pronounced limp.  Oh jeez.  (serious eye rolls here)  So I ask him- "What happend?!"   He tells me a tale so . . . un-Doug like, it's a little funny.

Apparently Monday morning as they were getting ready to leave, Doug decided to try and catch some crabs- the kind that live in the water, not the kind you catch from a scantily clad woman that charges for services rendered (hahahaha).  So he's standing on the bank of the lake with his net and . . . somehow falls in.  In all the commotion of unexpectedly getting in the water- he doesn't know how he hurt his knee.  But he apparently strained or sprained his knee- as it is swollen and- while I am not typically a sensitive woman- it does seem really hurt. 

My favorite part of the story is that he had to change into dry pants- on the side of the road.  hahahaha- Doug was standing in the road, without pants on- after catching crabs!!!!!!!  Tell me that's not funny.  That's funny.  I chuckle everytime I think of it.  It's funny literally and funny if you follow the double meaning of crabs.  

So anyway- he gets into bed last night and is struggling to get comfortable and says, "Damn crabs!!!!"  Then we both had a good laugh about how that's not the thing to say to your spouse when you've been gone all weekend. 


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