When He Thinks of Me, He Thinks of Pork

You need a little background info before I get started.  We're a butt smacking family.  It's true.  If one of us bends over, it's a target that must be hit.  We can be in separate rooms and instinctivily know that someone is bending over- and their butt must be smacked.  We're a tough loving family, what can I say? 

So yesterday Doug had a prime opportunity and he took advantage of it. 
Suddenly he says, "Where the butt?"
I am confused.  The article "the" threw me off.  Did he mean, "Where's your butt?"  In that case, isn't he the greatest?!  Confirming what I hoped was happening with the running- my butt was shrinking.  I decided to play it coy. . .
So he repeated himself, "Where's the butt?" 
Playing it coy obviously didn't work.
So I say, "Huh?  I have no idea what you're talking about!"  (I'll make him spell it out, my butt is getting smaller.)
He says, "The butt we got at the grocery store last week." 
Oooh,  now I see.  He grabs my butt and thinks of the pork butt we bought at the grocery store last week.  Remind me, why do I love him? 


  1. Doug better compliment you after reading this one!


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