4th of July Tradition

Every year for . . . I don't even know how many years now, we done the same thing on 4th of July.  I love this tradition.  It's one of my favorite traditions. 
Every year, Doug gets up super early (and we all sleep a bit longer- except for this morning), goes to church and with the other men in the Men's Club- fixes a wonderful breakfast, saves us our spot on the parade route, we show up, eat breakfast, meet up with friends, socialize with all varieties of people, go to the carnival that the Boy Scouts organize across the street, and then come back and watch the parade. 
I love this.  It's so perfectly American!  It's small town- and Indian Trail is not as small as it used to be.  The parade has antique tractors, sports teams, beauty queens, veterans, and varieties of businesses.  Here are some scenes from the parade today:

Andrew coming off the big slide.

Andrew trying his hand at the dunking booth

Sitting on the back of Dad's truck waiting for the parade to start!

Andrew and his bestest friend hoping to catch some candy that gets thrown to them.

Alexa and Daddy watching the parade.


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