Keeping The Boogey Man At Bay

Doug and both kids went to FFA Camp for the past week.  I stayed home.  All. By.  Myself.  IT WAS GLORIOUS!!!!

Up until 2020- Doug had gone to FFA Camp every year of our married lives.  Andrew started going when he was 9 years old.  It is literally the funnest week of their lives.  Nothing I ever do- will compare to FFA Camp.  I went to the facility once, shortly after Doug and I were married.  Doug had meetings.  There were no kids there- because it was just a bunch of boring adults, sitting around, talking about boring things.  But still- I was curious and glad for a reason to get out of town.  It was BORING.  I only brought one book.  There was no cell service and no tv.  I sat in a room with a bed and a bathroom for HOURS and I was bored out of my mind, since that book was done- with approximately 2 million hours left before Doug was done with his meetings.  I vowed to never return.   

This summer, Camp finally returned- after the COVID hiatus.  Andrew was ECSTATIC.  He talked about it to all of his friends and in front of his sister and sold it so well- that he convinced his friends to go . . . and his sister.  I wasn't sad about that development.  So this past Monday- I dropped them off for the funnest week EVER!!!!!!!!!  It was fun for them (and it was- they all had a blast) and I had a blast!!

What did I do?  Nothing exciting.  I gloried in having the house to myself.  And I did glory in it.  I did fun things like: cleaned baseboards, did some yardwork, watched whatever the heck I wanted to watch- a fair amount of movies, caught up on some Netflix shows and rediscovered Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I made a delicious salad (with roasted brussel sprouts and goat cheese.) I also made some delicious lemon bars.   I was rebellious and moved a charger from the designated spot- into the living room.  (I am a wild one y'all.  W.I.L.D.  Also- if you live dangerously and allow your housemates to steal chargers and move them around the house . . . more power to you.  I got sick of buying new chargers or the constant arguing about who stole chargers, and moved them to a specific location, and ain't no one moving them; otherwise my wrath will come down upon their heads- and they fear my wrath- so no one moves the chargers from the designated spot and we almost never fight about chargers now.)  

There was one small issue . . . I am a BIG scaredy cat.  Big.  You could search the blog for all of the times I have scared myself: like the time I thought there were werewolves living on my street: or the time a magazine completely freaked me out: and here's more proof that I am fearful of illogical things. 

Someone said “You have the dogs!  They’ll keep you safe.”  

No.  No. They Will Most Definitely NOT.  They’ll just add to the anxiety.  Dixie barks at approximately 5,000 imaginary noises- front yard, backyard, or side yard- it doesn’t matter.  She barks- then Hank barks because he’s the back up.  Then everyone is barking about absolutely nothing.

The first evening was my most scary night. Here are the things I scared myself with: 

  1. I was fixing the dogs dinner: They have metal bowls and I caught a reflection of light from their metal bowl onto the wall.  I knew it was a reflection from the bowl (I tested my theory), but what if later I saw a similar light reflecting on the wall that was NOT from the dog bowls?!?!

  2. I grabbed a baseball bat- to add some security for tonight.  I threw it on the bed, but thought . . . what will I do if that bat has moved before I go to bed?????

  3. I had to check behind all of the shower curtains, and in the closets before it got dark- to be sure I was safe from the Boogey Man. I was.

  4. And after the first night- I was fine. Yes, I slept with a few lights on throughout the house, and I had the bat by my bed and my phone close in case I had to call emergency services. I also slept with the tv on- but otherwise I was totally fine.

I picked everyone up on Friday afternoon, I have done approximately 8 loads of laundry?  I won't lie- I have lost track- but it's a LOT.  They are as tired as I knew they would be- but I am glad to have them home- if nothing else, to keep the Boogey Man at bay.  


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