I Did a Dumb Thing

Clearly this blog is about balance- because my last post was about bragging and this post is not. 

I mentioned back in June that I had attempted to get our ice maker repaired- and did so without consulting Doug.  Lord that ice maker has haunted me.   About 2 weeks after it was repaired . . . the motor started making this horrific sound.  Doug was rather annoyed.  I did some Google searching and discovered there could possibly be an ice cube stuck in the motor/fan area, so I grabbed my hair dryer and attempted to melt the cube.  Within a few minutes the motor went back to it's normal quiet self.  All was good again in our home.  We had a working ice maker that didn't make horrendous sounds.  Doug was somewhat satisfied, and I wasn't cringing in guilt and worry that the ice maker would continue to haunt me. 

Except it did.

One morning a few days later- at 5AM!!!!  There it is went again.  &*%&^  What in the actual, mean spirited world is happening?!  I grabbed the hair dryer and attempted to defrost it again, except . . . it didn't work this time.  Now- I am starting to get genuinely annoyed with this situation because not only do I have this mind numbing, aggravating, LOUD as all get out sound coming from my fridge, but I also have my husband's attitude that I "shouldn't have tried to get it fixed anyway", to deal with.  That's more than a  girl can deal with at 5AM- okay?  It just is.  Doug tried to make it stop- and eventually the motor went back to it's normal quiet self. 

Then a couple of hours later . . . . it started back. 

Have you ever seen Armageddon?  You know the Bruce Willis movie where he and his oil drilling, renegade bros get asked by NASA to fly to an asteroid on path to crash into Earth, except Bruce Willis drills a nuclear bomb in the asteroid and saves all of humanity?  If you don't know- it, you need to watch it.  It's a great "Bruce Willis saving the world" movie.  We can all use one of those from time to time.  Anyway- there was a Russian cosmonaut on board, who totally lost his cool, when the spaceship didn't want to start so they could leave the asteroid.  Fast forward to 1:37 . . . that was me.  I was the Russian Cosmonaut. 

I flung open that freezer door and just started bashing things inside.  Alexa stood to the side, stunned . . . and silent.  How dare this ice maker disrupt my life?  How dare it bring strife to my marriage? How dare it not work- when I paid for it to work?!?!  HOW DARE THIS ICE MAKER NOT DO WHAT I WANTED?!?!?!?!  As it turns out- I did not show that ice maker who was boss.  It continued to make racket for another 30+ minutes.  I seethed in silence, pretending I couldn't hear it, until finally it wheezed its last breath and then silence.  

Several hours later, Doug came home and when he reached into the fridge for a snack, he says, "Hey- what happened to the fridge? The temperature is all messed up." Uhhhhh . . . . what have I done?!?!  Alexa says, "Oh, Mom totally lost her temper on the freezer."  (My God my kids have no loyalty to me at all.  They have run me over with the school bus so many times- I have bruises you can actually see from a figurative event!)  It turns out . . . I actually broke the entire fridge.  At which point Doug said in the kindest, most not "Lording it Over My Head Forever and EVER Amen" (SARCASM- in case you weren't sure) to just forget it- let's go buy a fridge.  And now- we have a new fridge.  One with a working ice maker that so far has not made scary motor sounds.  And if it does decide to start making scary noises- I will not open the freezer door and start bashing things until I am satisfied.  I will calmly leave the house.   I will just leave.  Walk right out of the door, get in my car, and drive to the ocean, and keep walking until I am eaten by a shark, so I never can hear Doug say, "I tried to tell you to leave well enough alone." 


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