It's a Two-Fer Dinner

About a month ago- an Instagrammer that I follow (mostly because I admire her bravery with home decorating, and while I would never do the things she has done in her home, I do like a lot of what she does) shared that she made Cake Mix Pancakes for her family one Saturday morning.  That caught my attention!!!  I mean. . . pancakes from cake mix?!?!?!  YES PLEASE.  

Here's the recipe: 

1 cake mix of your choice (I chose red velvet because Alexa has been on a real red velvet kick lately- randomly)
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 large eggs
2 1/2 cups of milk
1/4 cup oil
** 1 tspn baking powder (the recipe doesn't call for it- but I am going to try it, because these pancakes were very flat)

Her husband opened a can of frosting and used that.  I didn't have that, so I made my own cream cheese frosting: 
1/2 a block of softened cream cheese
4 tblspns of softened butter
1 tspn of vanilla
2 cups of powdered sugar
** then I had left over heavy whipping cream- so I added that to make the frosting a bit more liquidy.  I have no idea how much I added 3 tablespoons? Maybe more?  That was a good choice- it gave a good texture to the frosting.  

I am not going to lie these were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!  OH MY GOODNESS.  Whoa.  

Alexa says, "These are like a Two For One!  We got dinner and dessert at the same time!!"  
While I am super glad I made these for a fun- and efficient- dinner/dessert . . . I will never make these and call them breakfast or dinner again.  If I do make these- and I am sure I will- I will make them as a dessert because that is 100% what they are.  They are super super delicious.  



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