Disc Golf Fun

I called my mom Thursday and said, "What's something fun we could do this weekend?" She's good at thinking of things to do that are fun. She said, "I have nothing." Dang. That was a let down. Then she redeemed herself and said, "Hey- what about disc golf?" Kind of random right? My dad started playing disc golf this fall and has been raving about it. He even set up a little course around his yard, so they could play over Christmas when the family was there to visit. If you don't know what it is- it's basically throwing these frisbee-like things at baskets- but way harder. The course we went to today, we had one hole that was 640 ft from where you started to where the basket is located. IT WAS SUPER FUN! We were crying laughing at ourselves. Unfortunately, I forgot my phone, so I only have this one picture that I told Doug to take with his phone, so I could at least have one picture for this blog post. If you're local and ...