
Showing posts from January, 2020

Disc Golf Fun

I called my mom Thursday and said, "What's something fun we could do this weekend?"  She's good at thinking of things to do that are fun.  She said, "I have nothing."  Dang.  That was a let down.  Then she redeemed herself and said, "Hey- what about disc golf?" Kind of random right?  My dad started playing disc golf this fall and has been raving about it. He even set up a little course around his yard, so they could play over Christmas when the family was there to visit. If you don't know what it is- it's basically throwing these frisbee-like things at baskets- but way harder.  The course we went to today, we had one hole that was 640 ft from where you started to where the basket is located. IT WAS SUPER FUN!  We were crying laughing at ourselves.  Unfortunately, I forgot my phone, so I only have this one picture that I told Doug to take with his phone, so I could at least have one picture for this blog post.  If you're local and

New Year's Goals Updates

So- the toe is completely cured.  I should  have been exercising by now.  It's just . . . . so much easier to make excuses to myself about why I am not doing some type of "get stronger" exercise.  In that aspect I'm stinking up my New Years Goal; however, all is not lost!  I have started walking laps around school before the day starts.  Think of me like a mall walker- but around my school.  That is brilliant!  I saw some other teachers doing it, and was like, "huh.  That's pretty smart."  I mean- I get to school around 7:10 every day.  If I walk laps for 15 minutes every morning . . . that's a great, efficient, easy way to get some steps in. And I still have time to mentally organize for the day before the first class starts.   It's quite lovely to know I've walked 15 minutes, I feel quite smug in my productiveness.  I have read my first real- quality- book of the year: The Handmaid's Tale .  It took me awhile to get into it.  I felt

I Have Exorcised the Demon

Okay- The exercise program had a minor setback. I tried to work through it, but . . . it was too bad.  I had a sore toe.  I thought it was an ingrown toenail, but now I think it was something else, something more ominous.  Dangerous.  Possibly . . . demonic?  When I was in college I watched The Exorcist.   That is one of the scariest movies I've ever seen, besides: Blair Witch Project , Scream , and The Shining .  Anyway, back to The Exorcist , devil possession totally freaks me the heck out.  That movie haunted me for weeks.  When AMC does their Halloween horror movie promotions, I can't even see the previews for that movie.  It might be like some kind of voodoo magic and possession could accidentally happen just by watching it.  I don't know how it all works.  The Devil is bad news, and you can't take chances.  Anyway- back to the toe.  Sore toe is perhaps an inadequate description.  That makes me sound like a real baby.  I am not a baby.  I gave birth twice- with

Day 1 of Resolutions? Goals? Exercising? Whatever.

Okay- I did it.  I survived.  I actually started on a great video.  It was enough that I felt a little burn, but not so much that I thought I was going to die.  (side note: if you're fit- do not click on this link.  You'll be horrified that I felt a little burn from this) Here I am before I started: I had a small moment of panic when I felt like I might be grapevining.  I mean- was this the 90's?!  No worries.  There wasn't really any grapevining.  Thank goodness.  Please watch me attempt to move more than 2 body parts at one time.  How can I be this uncoordinated?  (funny story- before Doug and I got married, I decided we should take Shag lessons. Clearly Doug was young and in love- because he would NEVER agree to such nonsense now.  Like- ever.  Needless to say- I was HORRIFIC.  I couldn't remember the sequence of the moves, I couldn't keep the beat. I was terrible.  FYI- the Shag is not exactly a

Are they Goals or Resolutions?

I used to be really into pop-culture and would read "news" sites like or  As I have gotten older, I've moved away from that.  I moved to NPR for awhile, but NPR has disappointed me with the obvious bias in their news reporting, so I've moved away from that too.  Now I follow the Associated Press and the BBC- but I stick to mostly national and international news.  I don't really follow anything about pop culture.  I am on the Twitter, but I tend to follow athletes on there.   I say all of that, to say, I used to be aware of the trends.  Not that I did the trends, but I was at least aware of them.  At New Years- there are always trends to help inspire resolutions for the upcoming year.  But this year I have been totally unaware of them.  Are people even doing resolutions anymore?  Is that what people do now?  Is that an uncool term, now? I follow several influencers on Instagram (basically they're "regular" people who help promo

Recap of the 2019 Holiday Season

Yikes.  I have been a terrible blogger.  The last time I posted was like 7 weeks ago. Good thing this is purely a hobby and mostly for my own entertainment- but if you're entertained that's a bonus! Here's a little catch up.  It was the craziest Christmas season EVER.  I have no idea why.  The word I would use to associate with the period of time from Thanksgiving to Christmas Day was frantic.  I think the fact that there was a short time period between the two holidays made it that way.  Additionally, while I do not do a lot of pre- Christmas shopping, I usually at least have ideas.  I had nothing.  No ideas.  Not a one.  The stress of not having even ideas of what to order from Amazon weighed on me a lot.  Around December 15, I began to live for 3pm of Christmas Day.  Because then it would be all over.  The presents were done.  The cooking done.  The eating . . . done.  I was done preparing for a holiday I wasn't really feeling.  I have had one of my most producti