30 Days of Gratitude #5,6,7

Day #5:
I am thankful that I got to spend some time with Alexa's Girl Scout Troop.  We spent the meeting planning what to buy for our Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. I was so thrilled with them.  They were focused and engaged and thoughtful in the items they wanted to put in each box.  I thought they would want to stick with the 5-9 year old girl range, but they wanted to do a box for the 2-4 year olds and the 10-14 year olds.  I loved the way they worked together and thought about what girls from other countries might like and might need.  It was refreshing- especially since earlier in the day my high school students were threatening to crush my soul with their apathy. 

Day #6:
I am thankful for my co-workers.  They have been really helping me out this week.  I've overbooked myself, and made some mistakes due to arrogance.  They helped me clean up my mistakes without a complaint!

Day #7:
I am thankful I got to go with Alexa's class on a field trip today.  4th graders are cute- as it turns out.  I expected to find them needy and whiny.  They weren't.  They were witty and funny.  They weren't whiny when they sat for long periods of time, or didn't get to finish an activity they were enjoying due to time constrains from the schedule.  They weren't aggravating on the bus or walking around at the site. I very much enjoyed them- as it turns out I like kids- no matter what age they are!


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