The Older I Get . . .

I got a little behind on posts- sorry!  See, if I get out of my usual life routine . . . I am thrown off for a week or better while I try to get back to my structured and rigid life. 

Last weekend Alexa and I went camping (in a cabin) with her Girl Scout troop.  This has been an annual spring activity for the last 3 years.  One that she and her troop LOVE.  I do too- to be honest.  I love her troop. I love the moms.  My favorite part of the camping is being outside for an entire day.  I LOVE to be outside.  Anyway- we leave Saturday morning, and I'm home Sunday around lunch time.  NOT THAT LONG.  24 hours (well- maybe 26-27 hours).  Certainly not long enough that I'm thrown off for a week.  What could possibly throw me off for a week?!!!!!  I don't know people.  I don't know. 

When I stress out, I require my "little" routine even more.  One small glitch and I'm done.  Just done.  The trouble is . . . no one else in my house respects the routine. My guess is they don't even realize all of the little routines I have for myself and our house.  I sound like some kind of marine drill sergeant.  I'm not- because I rarely yell at them for not following "the rules."  I don't need to yell . . . I seethe in loud silence. 

I have found the older I get the more routines I create for myself and the more routines I require.  I mean- my nightly routine is LONG: make coffee for following morning, make overnight oats, tidy up any messes left behind, wash face/teeth, and yoga stretches (this is a new routine and it is making the biggest difference with my back!  I woke up yesterday morning and my back didn't hurt at all!  That's a first in years).  My morning routine: drink water, yoga stretches, drink coffee, do crossword puzzles, shower and get out the door.  When I was in my twenties  and thirties, I sure didn't have to do all that stuff.  Why am I becoming so high maintenance?  I don't want to be high maintenance.  I pride myself on NOT being high maintenance.  Andrew told me I was one day last week, and I was rather annoyed with him!  But then . . . I am.  WHY?!!!  And- if I'm like this now . . . when I'm in my 60's?!  I'll spend my whole day performing my wake up routine, and as soon as I finish that, I'll start my bedtime routine.  I won't do anything fun!  I'll just be a routine following, dud.  Except . . . I'm unwilling to not follow them.  So, I'm sorry Doug.  You can be fun, I'll follow the routines and join you for approximately 15 minutes in between the first routine and the second.  Our retirement will be a blast.  :-) 


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