A Test of Our Mental Health

Hello darkness, my old friend . . . .

We have a visitor.  Usually I love these visitors, but I have discovered I love these visitors a good 20 feet from my house. 

Considering we live in a small town- we actually have a wide variety of creatures that live in and around our yard.  We have a hawk family that I love to watch.  Last year there was a murder of crows living in the woods across the street, and occasionally the crows and the hawk would have a rumble.  That was some pretty entertaining stuff.  I hope the crows don't come back.  #1 they're kind of annoying with all that cawing, and #2 I think they were bullying the hawk.  Frankly- the hawk is a way cooler bird than crows.  They seem more dignified.  I think crows were bringing down our property value with their ruffian lifestyle. 

We have a fox that also lives around our yard.  He's okay- except when he calls out . . . that sound is discomforting.  I do enjoy watching him scamper through the backyard though.  Although, our neighbors stopped one day to tell me that a fox is a sign of coyotes living nearby.  Is that true?!!!!!

We've seen evidence of deer, and the first year we lived here, I kept a salt lick in the back to try and lure them to us, just so I could watch them.  They tend to stay pretty hidden though. 

We have a creek that runs down the side of our yard, and with all of the rain lately, we apparently have a lot of frogs in it.  Normally I love the sounds of the frogs, and the crickets.  It's such a comforting sound.  I snuggle down with my soft bed, clean sheets, and a slight breeze from the window being cracked open, and the sounds of nature filling my room.  It's like one of those apps, except it's real! 

Until yesterday. 

Oh my gosh!!!!!  There is a frog peeping right in the bushes outside our front door.  IT'S LOUD.  L.O.U.D.  Last night, Doug and I got in bed, and suddenly . . . PEEP . . . PEEP . . PEEP PEEPPEEPEEEPEEP . . . . . . . .PEEP..PEEP..............PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPP.  It sounds like the smoke alarm, when the batteries die.  Once I was finally able to ignore it, I fell asleep and it was okay, but thennnnnnn when I woke up for my quiet, coffee time . . . the frog was there.  Peeping.  Loudly.  For all to hear. 

Here's a little of what we've heard for 24 hours. 

It's hiding out there in the bushes.  I am pretty sure it has been sent here to send us over the edge.  It's a test of our mental sanity to see how long we can endure listening to a loud, repetitive sound, playing at inconsistent intervals.  We will survive y'all.  We have our sense of humors to keep us sane . . . and an upstairs, or a fan, or a water hose to flush it out.  Whatever.  We've got this. 


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