Just Some Random Stuff

I said I would post every week,and doggone it . . . I will try. I mean . . . it's March and I'm still working towards this New Years Resolution to post weekly.  This is the longest I've ever maintained a New Years Resolution!!!!

1. I'm reading a book: The Tatooist of Auschwitz: by Heather Morris.  It's good.  It's a Holocaust survival- love story. It's a true story.  The author is retelling it, after interviewing the main character.  I have read Night by Elie Wiesel about 1 million times and LOVE it (also a Holocaust survival story).  It's such an amazingly well written book.  I mean- if I counted up- I've easily read Night more than 20 times, and I still find something new every time I read it.  Last semester, I was co-teaching with another teacher that has a lot of Holocaust knowledge, and reading the book with him- and his knowledge of the Holocaust brought about so many more things I didn't know or hadn't thought of.  Anyway- back to the Tatooist of Auschwitz.  It's interesting to read because I am currently reading Night so I am seeing some parallels, but one thing that is different, is the main male character somehow is able to interact with female prisoners more than I assumed was possible.  I can only read this book in small bursts, which is strange for me. Usually I read obsessively until I've finished a book. I can't do that with this book.  This topic is a little too intense for my usual style of reading.

2. I recently bought a new blender to make my smoothies.  The blade on that thing is cray!!!!
Ninja 6-Blade Blender 
But hot dog it can make my smoothies a thing of delight!  I use about a cup of frozen fruit, 3/4- 1 cup of skim Lactaid, and 2 tblspns of orange juice.  Two weeks ago I was having a fit every morning with my old blender, and then in a fit of anger I bought my new blender.  Even though I advise teenagers to not do things impulsively out of anger . . . I was right to have ordered this Ninja impulsively (even if Doug doesn't agree).  It's amazing and my smoothies are soooo well blended.  

3. I recently watched all 3 of the Pitch Perfect movies with Alexa.  She is currently obsessed with the soundtrack and we listen to it CONSTANTLY.  As far as the movie- I don't actually regret letting Alexa watch it, (although they do talk a little more dirty than I would prefer her to hear) the general message of be loyal to your friends and don't give up, is one I'm down with.  Plus, the songs are on point.  And to be honest- she is exposed to dirty talk at school.  
She came home the other day and was complaining about a young man in her class who she apparently has to sit next to on the carpet- and said, "He's always asking me if  I like bananas- every day.  Then today he asked if I liked pie."  I wish I would have told her: "You should tell him you like to mash bananas into tiny bits."  Instead, I seethed inwardly thinking of this hoodlum child, stealing my baby's innocence. Oh little boy.  I will remember your name for the next 6 years, and I will see you in the halls of high school.  And also- your older brother?  He needs his mouth washed out with soap.  

On that note . . . I should probably end this post, before I do anything else to incriminate myself in future crimes.  


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