The Latest DIY

Oooh y'all, this one might be one of my most favorites!

We have this gigantic spot above our kitchen cabinets with nothing but blank space.  That blank space has bugged me.  It was so blank, so boring, so blah.  I wanted something up there, but I don't like a lot of knick knacks.  They look cluttered, and they get dusty.  I didn't want to look up there and see dust and spider webs.  The other thing was, what would I put up there?  Kitchen things? Eh, our kitchen and living room are all one room.  Living room things, then?  But then, I would have to buy things to put up there, which requires shopping, and I don't like shopping.  What a dilemma.  😏Finally, I decided I wanted to do something with old recipes, if we had any from either of our grandparents.

I don't remember exactly the order of how this idea came to me, but I do know Doug's mom was pretty much the main contributer.  If it weren't for her, and her treasure of a book . . . I wouldn't have this totally awesome decoration.

When we went up to visit this summer, I asked if she had any recipes from her mom.  Recipes that were actually handwritten by her.  She pulls out this amazing, gem of a book.  It was one of those old, cloth books with the pages sewn in.  The pages were yellowed with age.  Some were falling out.  And had so many amazing recipes in it; however, there was one that I KNEW I had to use: Banana Pudding.

Banana Pudding is the first dessert Doug's mom fixed, when I met them.  The first time I ever had homemade pudding.  It's a favorite dessert of Doug's.  Whenever I hear about banana pudding- or eat it- I think of Doug's family, and while I have had other good banana puddings, none are as good as my mother in law's.  This recipe was meaningful on so many different levels.

I took the book (carefully- I mean this is a family heirloom) to Office Depot/Max (whichever) and they scanned it and blew it up into a poster size.  It was PERFECT.  It retained the authenticity of the original.  It was still yellowed, and had age spots.  The handwriting was clear and completely in focus.  It was exactly what I wanted.

Somewhere along the way, I decided I wanted to make something that looked like a cutting board to put attach this recipe to.  We bought fence pickets at Lowes (they're cheap- and look rustic), cut them to size, and then Doug carved the handle with the band saw.  Then I sort "slapped" some stain on the fence boards, to make them look aged and this is what I got . . .

I'm sorry, but this is one stinking cool decoration. It's meaningful, it's cool, it fits with our home.  It's just all the way around awesome.  I'm making another one- the next one will be horizontal and it's one of my grandmother's recipes.  


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