An Existential- Delicious Night

Lately I have been starting to wonder if I'm going to make it 30 years teaching (I'm on year 20).  I have been wondering how I can possibly do . . . everything.  We already do so much with so little . . . it's taking a toll on my positive attitude.  I feel a bit overwhelmed, so I decided the best way to deal with this situation was to make a blackberry apple pie.  I went to the produce stand on Monday to get apples and something else that I don't remember now.  While I was there I saw they still have blackberries! Oooh, I love blackberries in a baked good.  I didn't have time to do anything with them on Monday, and Tuesday we were super busy, but today I decided I HAD to have that pie.  That pie would fix my morale.  

Who actually bakes a pie on a random Wednesday?!  This girl. Don't worry, it's store bought crust.  :-)

The blackberries make it a little liquidy, but I drizzled it over the pie . . . and I scooped it into a spoon and drank it.  I felt like Mary Poppins with her spoonful of medicine. 

A little whip cream and it was absolute perfection.  I can make it at least 2 more days . . .  I think.  ;-)


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