A Disaster Kind of Day

There are some days with Alexa that are just . . . clumsy.  Excessively clumsy.  So, so, so, so clumsy.

She and I stopped by school (Doug opens and locks up the school every other Sunday for a church that rents it, so I was able to get in, once they were done) and I got myself a little more organized for the week.  (This week will NOT be like last week!).  Anyway, while we were there, she was drawing on the board, and as she found dry erase markers that didn't work she would "throw them away."  Or . . . they would get tossed in the general direction of the trash can and go every which way except IN the trashcan.  After a bit it was comical, how they NEVER got in the can.

Then we stopped by the grocery store to get a rotisserie chicken for dinner.  We were maybe 50 feet from the entrance.  It took her forever to get out of the car- because she had flung off her flip flop in the car, and then couldn't get it turned in the right direction to get her foot in (although, if she would have BENT over and used her hands to position the flip flop that would have sped up the process . . .just sayin').  She stumbled twice in the parking lot.  In the grocery store, she developed an intense bout of the hiccups.  They were unusually fast and loud.  On the way back to the car, a car was coming and we were rushing to get out of the way, aaannnddd she lost her shoe.  We got it back on, were walking fine, and then a few feet later, she stumbled again.  She gets in the car, climbs over my school bag and falls . . .

On the way home- her nose starts bleeding.  Not gushing.  Just a little drip.  (for the record- the nose bleed is completely unconnected to any of her other falls/trips/stumbles).

We get home.  All is going well.  We've eaten lunch without incident.  And when she sits down to make slime . . . she somehow smashes her finger.

Siigghhhh . . .   I guess I'll wrap her in bubble wrap and sit her on the couch for awhile.


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