
Showing posts from May, 2017

Slacker, Crying, Freaking Out

Slacker Well . . . that whole positives thing obviously fell by the wayside.  I apologize.  I got off track and couldn't ever seem to get myself back on track.  I'll say this, I have continued to think positive things. I have not allowed myself to get brought down by negatives.  And frankly- I'm glad I did purposely think about 3 positives a day.  It did give me a whole new attitude.  Instead of being aware of all the things that aggravated me, I was way more aware of the things that made me smile. I need to practice doing this in my personal life, as well as my professional life.  The experts who suggest doing that are actually right- it does help. Crying Several months ago, I bought a handkerchief, when I had gone antique shopping.  For whatever reason, I took it into my head that I needed one.  It seemed a very ladylike way to deal with any moisture that may leak from my eyes.  It's the sweetest handkerchief.  I has small, delicate flowers embroidered into it, su

19 Get Ups, Positive #15

Whew, y'all we are marching to the end.  The end is in sight!!!  I am excited and freaking out.  Summer is a double edged sword.  There's the whole, "Whoop, whoop!! I don't have to work!!"  And then there's the "OMG, I have to entertain 2 kids that are as different as night and day!"  I can entertain 1- doesn't matter which one, but 2?!!! I STRUGGLE and FAIL.  Anyway- back to the positives. #1: A previous student, brought me some chocolate because he knew I had children, and it's Mother's Day Weekend.  What a SWEETIE! #2: Another teacher told me I had classroom management skills.  I had no idea what to say to that- as I am pretty sure I don't, but I really appreciated her saying that. There were probably lots of other positives- but that was 2 days ago.  I can't remember anything!!! I hope you had a great weekend.  We're beginning the last 4 weeks of school tomorrow!!!!

20 Get Ups, Positive #14

Today was a FUNNY day.  Today is why I love teenagers. #1. One of my students brought me a bag of gummy worms- because of the slug on my shoe from yesterday!  I'm still laughing about it.  I mean- how stinking funny is he?!!!  I love teasing.  His face when he handed me that bag . . . it was priceless.  I love it. #2. I totally embarrassed a student today- not at his expense, so it's okay that it was hilarious to me. We were reading a story, and a character had a large package.  Every time I read that line- I laugh. I want to be mature.  I do, because the character is actually carrying a gift.  But I can't.  A large package?!!!  Anyway- when we read the line, I made eye contact with my co-teacher and . . . I laughed.  And the student next to me, said, "I really hope you're not laughing about what I think you're laughing about.  Are you laughing about . . . nope.  I don't want to know."  Then he turned away.  hehehehe #3. I got my office to myself

21 Get Ups, Positive #13

Well . . . there was a definite difference in my attitude today, from yesterday.  I think it's because I look at the day completely differently.  I look for things to include in my list of positives.  Since I'm looking for positives, I tend to see the good things instead of the things that would possibly wear on my nerves. #1- My first group . . .  We discussed He-Man today.  Remember He-Man? I have no idea what brought it on, but . . . it cracks me up.  Another positive for them- they continued to work on their projects, and no one complained about the 60's music I played for them.  In fact, some of them were singing along.  I hate when they complain about my music selection.  I'm the teacher- therefore I am the dj. #2- My 2nd period took their benchmark (not the positive . . . well it sort of is) and instead of using my time wisely and productively . . . I read my book.  Yep that's right.  I was NOT a good worker. I didn't use my time wisely. #3- My 4t

Bonding On the Coffee Aisle?

I had the weirdest encounter yesterday at the grocery store. I was standing on the coffee aisle, making big decisions.  They didn't have my coffee.  They had the beans, but I have never operated the grinder.  I can only imagine a disaster with that.  I was rather irritated.  It's not like I like glamorous flavored coffee. I like a dark roast or a breakfast blend.  Gah! Suddenly, a gentleman to my left says, "You must be a genius." What?!  I looked around- I mean- maybe he wasn't talking to me.  Maybe he was talking to himself, but . . . nope.  He was looking at me.  Huh.  I didn't realize I was giving off genius vibes- while deliberating on the coffee aisle. He says, "We're wearing the same outfit." I look.  Sure enough.  We both were wearing black shirts, khaki pants, and Sperry's. So I say, "Great minds think alike!" He says, "Clearly you are good looking, intelligent, kind, and worldly." I internally chuckled

22 Get Ups, Positives #12

Sorry I took a couple of days off.  I can tell. I'm struggling. My sciatica is horrific.  My attitude is horrific and I'm just completely out of sorts. I've tried stretches, regular doses of ibuprofen, and a chiropractor.  The chiropractor made it SIGNIFICANTLY worse.  The ibuprofen does nothing.  So . . . time and stretching is where I'm at.  It's hard to be patient when I'm so uncomfortable.  But enough of that cry baby crap.  I won't talk about it anymore. Even though I'm struggling, positive things are happening. So tonight's list is sort of a positive/blessings list.  After school, I felt myself falling down the dark hole of negativity.  I won't do it.  I have to get back to the list- because it is making a HUMONGOUS difference! 1. Yesterday- I got everything, plus extra stuff done, off of my "To Do" List. 2. My first period was working on a project, so I played music for them.  I went to "YouTube" and found a "6

25 Get Ups and Positives #11

#1- I sent out a desperate plea to the staff, because I needed a teacher to do me a favor- that was AFTER school.  That's a lot to ask, but I had several people respond!  I love when people are willing to help others- even do a task that is not fun. #2- I got several goodies today, from school clubs and from a student today.  I love goodies.  They're hiding in my desk at school . . . safely away from my family's prying eyes and hands.  :-)  I enjoyed quite a few of those goodies this afternoon. #3- In my co-taught junior class, I station myself near a student that needs a little more prompting than others.  Which is fine- because I really like this student and he says HILARIOUS things under his breath- that if I wasn't sitting near him, I would miss. Also . . . just a little brag on myself- I haven't had a Diet Coke in 6 days and I don't really even miss it.  I didn't get head aches or anything.  I do miss . . . having an alternative to water and milk.

26 Get Ups, Positive #10

Today was a stinker of a day.  I'm going to tell you all of my troubles- and then tell you my 3 positives . . . 1. I woke up at 4am worrying about the research papers that were due for the juniors today.  I don't want anyone to not turn them in . . . 2. Then I fell back asleep at 5:15am- and decided I would skip my morning coffee routine. 3. Turns out without coffee . . . the morning is a dark place where sounds are super annoying (I mean- could my kids rattle that plastic bag any louder?!!!! and why are they so freaking happy?!!!!) 4. My back was . . . something.  On my way to first period something pinched my sciatic nerve and now I have that going on, until that something relaxes, which usually takes a few weeks.   5. In second period . . . the cap wasn't on my water bottle tight enough, and 1/2 the bottle leaked out all over the bottom of my school bag and now I have papers scattered all over my desk drying off. 6. I accidentally agreed to sell tickets at the base

27 Get Ups, Positives #9

Mmmmm- today is a little harder to come up with positives.  It wasn't a bad day, but I don't want to be repetitive from other days, and I'm feeling almost too lazy to look back over the day and come up with my positives.   #1- My first group took their benchmark.  (that's not the positive).  It took them the entire 90 minutes . . . and I used that time very productively and got caught up on grading (that's the positive).  I felt footloose and fancy free!! #2- I wrote some pretty awesome vocabulary sentences for my juniors.  I actually love to write the vocabulary fill in the blanks.  I don't know if you know this- but I like to write.  When I write the vocabulary sentences, I try to make them more relatable than those formal, boring, stuffy ones from the book.  Sure I could copy them, and save me some time, but they're soooooo boring.  Today I included a reference to a Peter, Paul, and Mary song.  If any student gets that reference . . . I will give them

28 Get Ups, Positives #8

1. I was reading over a student's research paper tonight, and was marveling at how much she has matured.  I helped her, her freshman year.  She was so clueless.  Her writing was good, but her format was scattered and hard to follow.  She's a junior this year.  Her writing is creative and concise.  She stayed focused. She didn't get off on a tangent . . .  her word choice was sophisticated.  I'm super proud of her. 2. I felt helpful with students today.  Some days when you're presenting information, or reading stories . . . it's not a direct help.  Today I had several students stop by for help with research papers and worked with several others in class and I felt like it was actual help.  Like- they were getting what I was saying. 3. Again- shout out to my administrative staff.  I just like them.  Over the years, I've had many that were unapproachable.  You brought them a problem- they solved it.  This group- doesn't like to tell us how to solve prob