
We have been super busy working on projects around the house.  I have 4 that I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

Two of my favorite projects, are in Alexa's room.  I took our old computer desk, painted it, and then took the keyboard tray, and glued a dark purple velvety type material on it- to make it feel like a make up spot.  Alexa DIGS make up.  With her snazzy mirror, and fun make up spot . . . well she's all set.  Ignore the spot where we are missing a drawer . . . I haven't quite figured out a solution for that yet.  I have ideas . . . but nothing I love yet.

 The other thing in her room that I love, are her cork boards.  I found the frames at Michael's or Hobby Lobby and then spray painted them with a purple glitter spray paint and attached plain cork boards to the back of the frames.  Anything with glitter is A okay in Alexa's book.

One of my other favorite projects happened in Andrew's room.  I've seen similar ideas floating around Pinterest.  Once we figured out the plan- we bought some pipe, cut it, had Lowe's thread it, then Doug sanded it all down, and I spray painted it.  Then we put it all together and we have this . . . Andrew likes it a lot.  And has been working to keep his room a little cleaner.  Surprising, I know. 

Then the last thing that I'm really loving right now is our new coat "rack."  I've seen people doing the recycled pallet thing, but I didn't really have any luck with the pallet I found.  When I tried to separate it . . . the boards came all to pieces.  How aggravating.  I wanted the boards for this "rack" to look a little roughed up, so I used fence pickets- which is cool because they're SUPER cheap too. Each picket was only $1.50!  Since this is hanging in my laundry room, I wanted this to be a little more colorful than I would typically pick out.  

We're moving on to the next project, which just might be my favorite yet . . .  my craft closet!!!!!


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