Easy Bake Oven

This year is one of those birthday years, where . . . we're squeezing birthdays in between events. Because they're getting squeezed in . . . they're small, intimate, informal affairs.  Translated: they're an afterthought.  

We just squeezed Alexa's birthday in early.  It's technically not until Thursday.  However- I've been confused about that for a week.  I have been thinking the 21st was on Wednesday.  Turns out, it's on Thursday.  hahaha- duh me.  Anyway- we celebrated her birthday tonight because the boys are leaving for FFA Camp for the week tomorrow morning.  

Alexa has been asking for an Easy Bake Oven since last September. She has high hopes of making us desserts.  She baked her first dessert tonight.  Lord have mercy . . . she was excited!
Making our first cake.  The flavor was: Tutti Frutti.  

Waiting for the oven to pre-heat. 

Waiting for the cake to bake. 

More waiting . . . 

Putting the icing on it. 

Tastes good . . . for the first bite.  She didn't finish it.  Turns out it was WAY too sweet.  We decided a teeny bit of icing goes a LONG way!!!
My more refined pallet says this: not bad.  It was easy to make, however it was wayyyyyyy too sweet.

One thing I did that was smart- I bought a bunch of Easy Bake Oven cake mixes from a store on Etsy.  I got 10 cake mixes for $20.  That's WAY better than what I would buy at Target.  One mix is $6 at Target.  WalMart was a bit more.  

Hopefully this fosters something I love to do, as well- baking!!!!


  1. Here's some scratch recipes for the easy bake oven.


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