Full Circle Depresses Me!

Four years ago, I brought this baby to a t-ball field.

I brought a stroller, a carrier, a diaper bag full of diapers, wipes, bottles, and formula.  I held her a lot.  I remember standing and rocking and holding her.  I also remember changing a lot of diapers.  Seven months later and a new t-ball season, I brought this cutie pie to the t-ball field:

I think I brought a blanket, a diaper bag full of toys, puffs, diapers, and wipes.  I think I held her a lot and bounced.  Six months later, I brought this funny girl: 

Time passed and I brought this girl, that would head butt the concrete, until her head bled, when she didn't get her way.  I brought a wagon full of toys, snacks, and entertainment, in addition to the diaper bag and all that gear.  

Even more time passed, and we moved to a new field where her brother cried and struck out and said he'd never play again.  She thankfully had stopped head banging the concrete, and even would talk to people- sometimes.  I was down to a back pack full of entertainment, a blanket and a special chair just for Alexa.  

Then I brought this almost 3 year old to games with me.  She was a nut.  Her brother loved baseball again, because he figured out how to hit off the machine.  Life was good.  

Even more time passed and I brought this girl to games: 

Then I started bringing this girl with me.  She finally discovered she could play with the siblings of the players.  

Today I went full circle.  I went back to the field where it all started, except today I brought this girl- 

Slay me now!  


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