Summer Plan

I am 2 weeks into my summer and have done jack with it.  In my defense, I was so crazed at the end of the school year, I never had time to get my brain wrapped around the fact that it was almost summer.  Then suddenly it was summer and . . . I was obsessed with The Walking Dead and I couldn't think of anything until I watched all that I could.  Then the boys left for camp and Alexa and I went to Charleston and now . . . I'm home, sitting on the couch, tv stinks and I think I might get my summer plans together.

What do I want to do with these days?  How do I want to use my time?  What's the one thing I want to do more than anything else?
1. Chillax.  But not in a "sit in front of the tv and do nothing productive" sort of way.  Instead of hauling my kids somewhere everyday to provide them valuable, educational, social experiences, I want to stay home some. Figure out how to entertain ourselves here- not in front of the tv, and not being mean to each other, or driving me crazy, but activities at home.  I have a few ideas.  I won't lie figuring this out with a 9 year old boy and an almost 4 year old girl is no easy feat.  We'll see how it goes.

2. I am getting ready to get rid of my stand alone freezer in the garage.  I don't use it hardly at all.  Instead I am going to replace it with a refrigerator.  For whatever reason I have drinks stored all over my garage. A good 30% of my grocery bill is spent on drinks.  The sad thing is- we drink a lot of water, in addition to all the other drinks.  We are some seriously thirsty people.  It is more useful to me to have a place to store all our 5,000 drinks than to have a place to put nothing in the freezer.  However, since I am downsizing, I need to clean out my freezers.  Get rid of the meat that is 3+ years old, the bags of veggies that are totally and complete freezer burned.  I have an organization system in mind.  I'm pretty jazzed.  I'm a dork like that.

3. Clean out the garage- for real.  It's been started.  We've made head way, but I'd like to finish it up.  I also want to clean out the junk drawer, the school drawer, and the crayon/marker drawers.  And clean the box fans.  I noticed the blades on all of them were pretty dusty.  (I clean the most random things, but believe me when I say- my floors are GROSS.  That's a waste of time to me because as soon as I sweep, vacuum, or mop- someone spills something.  Every. Single. Time.)

4. Cook.  I haven't cooked in months.  What do we eat if I am not cooking?  We eat out, eat sandwiches, and crap.  Cooking is overwhelming to me.  I like things that are way more "adventurous" than my children are willing to go.  I am SICK of fixing 3 different versions of dinner every night.  I am uninspired by food. Plus there are so many details to fixing a meal.  Making sure you have all the ingredients, buying them, storing them, and preparing them before they go bad.  We don't really like casseroles.  We don't really like leftovers.  We are really pills.  I think I am supposed to cook with my children.  Good mothers do.  Cooking with my children ranks up there with teaching them to tie their shoes.  I'd rather do potty training with them, then cook.  I have no idea why I have no patience for it, other than, it's because I'm a controlling freak and the whole time I feel like I am saying- "Hold on!  Stir careful, pour careful, just wait!!!!!!"

5. Exercise.  I have gotten completely away from it.  I used to run and ride my bike a lot.  Now . . . I sit on the couch.  I exercise by cleaning my house.  I don't think that counts.  I think I'd feel more energetic if I'd exercise- and go to bed at a reasonable hour, instead of staying up until 1am, watching Walking Dead episodes.  (or Orange Is the New Black episodes- which is next on my list)

I have a list, so hopefully I'll get on it.  I hate feeling like a bum, so I better.


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