According to Andrew . . .

Andrew and I were chatting the other day and he asked me if he was born late or on time.  I snorted and said, "You were a week late, and then I sat in the hospital for 2 days waiting for you.  After the first day I cried, because "You were going to be just like your Dad, and I would have to wait on you for the rest of my llliiifffeeeeee!!!!!"  He said, "You don't have to wait on me . . . all the time."  Thankfully he added that final thought.  Because I do have to wait on him a LOT!

He was quiet for awhile and then he said, "Dad and I are alike in a lot of ways.  I bet I could think of a ton!" Since it's almost Father's Day, I thought this would be a good post to share.  Here's what he had to say:
1. We both have a lot of bruises.
2. We both like to build stuff.
3. We both wear glasses.
4. We are both tan.
5. We both like pants (hahaha, that was a funny typo, I made, and it cracked me up, so I left it.  Obviously they both like pants, but I meant to type pLants.  Although- pants works too).
6. (he prefaced this next one, by saying, "Well this isn't a surprise . . . ") We are both redneck.  (for the record- this is the only thing on the list I didn't agree with, neither one of them are redneck, weird, but not redneck)
7. We both have birthdays in the summer.
8. We both love each other.
9. We both like baseball, football, and basketball.
10. We both like to be outside a lot.
11.  We both don't really like reading, but we love math.
12. We both like country music.

If I were to add to this list, I would say:
13. They're both a "little" competitive.
14. They're both pretty stinking smart (I mean Doug- chose me that alone makes him a genius!)
15. They both fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow and sleep like a LOG until they wake up early.
16. Neither can be rushed (don't bother trying- you'll just make yourselves psychotic- I know this after 16 years).
17. Both are a "bit" disorganized.
18. Both like to be helpful
19. Both have a very specific idea of how they want to dress
20. Both are really good at are aggravating me.  ;-)


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