New Year's Resolutions

I am not one for New Year's Resolutions.  I know myself, and I know a new year isn't going to be the magic motivator to change something.  However, the New Year is coinciding with a couple things, that I do appear to be like 75% of the rest of the population and am going to try eating better.  There are a few reasons why, some are better than others.

One is related to some digestive issues I've been struggling with.  I won't go into the details, as they are rather embarrassing.  On January 1, I went cold turkey and stopped eating sugar (except for the naturally occurring kind found in fruit) and dairy.  I expected some type of withdraw trauma from the lack of sugar, but I didn't suffer from any headaches, shakes, or foaming at the mouth.  I don't even miss it that much.  I do miss the cheese.  I could think of a thousand things I would LOVE to eat that has cheese in it: soup, pizza, or just a huge honking wedge of it. The first day I didn't really notice any significant changes (neither did my family, much to all of our disappointments).  However, once I got the first day past me, I am noticeably and significantly much improved!  What a relief!

The other reason is due to my children.  I saw this thing on Pinterest and decided to ask Andrew and Alexa a few questions: I really want to _____, I really need to stop ________, I want to be better at __________, and I want to learn how to _______.

Andrew's answers: This year I really want to make healthy choices.
                              I really need to stop watching tv all the time.
                              I want to be better at basketball and football.
                              I want to learn how to make gravity.
Alexa's answers (with help): This year I really want to play with my dollhouse.
                                           I really need to watch tv.
                                           I want to be better at dance or soccer (not walking on the moon though)  (??)
                                           I want to learn how to play soccer.
Kate's answers: This year I really want to be a good example of how to make healthy choices and how to
                            use electronics un-obsessively.
                         This year I really need to get my diet under control!
                         I want to be better at managing my chill out time.
                         I want to learn to make cinnamon rolls from scratch (which goes along nicely with healthy                                  choices)

Frankly, Andrew's concerned me.  Obviously he isn't going to make gravity, but how can I break that to him?  Just kidding.  That didn't concern me.  (you would think his complete lack of knowledge about the physics of the Earth would, but he'll learn soon enough.  Make gravity????  What a nut! Thank goodness I have this saved for prosperity, by putting on the Internet) No, what concerned me is that he wants to make healthy choices.  Mostly it concerns me because lately he's been asking about how many calories are in different foods.  The thing is, I don't count calories- ever (pretty sure you can see this, when you see my back end view) and I don't really discuss concerns about healthy eating in front of either of my kids that often.  I don't want them to have a notion that that is something we worry about.  Particularly Alexa.  One of my fairly consistent, back of the mind, worries for her is what her body image will develop into.  I hope it's healthy.  I have theories of how to help her develop a healthy body image.  It never occurred to me that I would have to really think about Andrew's body image.  I was sure I would have to help direct him to healthy foods (he LOVES junk), but I didn't think I would be worrying about him counting calories when he was 8 years old.  So I've been trying to help him, by discussing that it's not really so much about how many calories are in a food.  We talked about what moderation means and what foods should be eaten in moderation (Doritos, McDonalds, etc) So tonight I fixed homemade spaghetti sauce with meatballs and italian sausage for dinner.  It was a fantastic dinner for a really cold day.  It was so delicious. While I am preparing it, Andrew runs through and wants to know what's for dinner, when I tell him, he says, "I don't want sauce!"  I responded, "Too bad, you're having some."  He says back, "Jeez!  You're taking this whole healthy eating thing to a whole new level!  I just meant I was gonna eat less candy!"  and he stomps off. I am pretty sure, putting a teeny bit of sauce, hardly counts as healthy eating.

Looks like we're off to a rocky start!


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