A New Era

I am so ridiculously excited.  I admit I can get a little over enthused and geeky about how excited I get about the littlest weirdest things.  Doug can attest: I've gotten overly jazzed about the smell of fresh basil, the taste of fresh pineapple, and how much I love zinnias.

Anyway- we're heading to a new era at the Latta house.  This spring . . . . Alexa is starting rec league soccer!!!!!!!!!!!!  Huh?  Really?  Yes.   Really.  Here are all the reasons:
1. My dad and I will hopefully coach together.  We coached together when Andrew was 3.5.  It was one of the best "Father-Daughter" activities I've ever done with my dad. Sure we did stuff when I was younger, but the difference between then and now is that I am old enough to appreciate that we are enjoying each other. He would drive 3 hours round trip to come to practice and then again to the games at least 2 times a week. People thought it was nutty.  I loved it.  I hope I do that sort of stuff with my future grandchildren.  

2.  This is the age that Alexa moves from toddler-ish to little kid.  She has matured sooooo much in the last 6 months.  The changes in her are amazing.  I know I shouldn't wish my kids older.  Believe me.  I see how fast it goes.  I saw a picture of Andrew in kindergarten the other day and he looked so little and sweet and then I looked at him sitting near me on the couch holding a sword, with his Nerf gun near him and telling Alexa, "I see London, I see . . . " because he knew it would send her into a psychotic rage (it always does) and I looked back at the picture and I was so sad for the sweet boy he used to be.  Oh, he still is now, it's just different.  It's not quite as innocent and the sweetness is sandwiched between really aggravating behaviors.  Anyway, I shouldn't wish my children older, but I am glad that Alexa moved out of her previous phase.  She's so enjoyable now.  I think she's just going to continue to be enjoyable for awhile (until she's 8 or 9, and then . . . she's going to live with her grandparents.  I'm not telling which ones.  It'll give them time to think of an excuse or go into hiding or something).

3.  Alexa is not only maturing, but she's moving from that dreaded age of having to be entertained at her brother's sporting events, to participating in her own sporting events.  I always feel so bad for her having to sit for hours at her brother's stupid baseball games.  They can be blazing hot, or freaking freezing.  They can be massively boring for her.  Sometimes there are other kids her age, but sometimes there are not.  I bring her toys, but . . . after awhile they're boring.  I'm not particularly entertaining because I'm watching the game, chatting, or taking pictures.  I'm glad she has her own thing now.  I think she's excited to have her own thing. When we talk about it, she seems excited about it.

4.  On a selfish, personal note, I enjoy being with 3 year olds (for a couple of hours- not all day).  They're funny and silly and when I am doing dorky things- they don't think I am a dork.

5. I can't wait to see how Alexa interacts with actual peers.  I mostly see her interact with her brother, who does pretty much anything in his power to irritate the hell out of her (he is quite good at it), I see her interact with his friends, who are always so nice and tolerant of her, and I see her interact at baseball with friends.  But I am interested to see how she interacts on a team.  Granted "team" has a different meaning with 3 year olds, but will she take charge? I assume she will. At home, she is under the impression she's in charge of all of us.  Will she stand to the side and watch?  Will she like it?  Will she hate it?  Will she cooperate?  I don't know.  I can't wait to see though.

Time goes so fast.  It's crazy sometimes.  When I think that just a "few" months ago, she looked like this:

And now she looks like this . . . . well it blows my feeble mind!


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