Karma, It'll Get You Every Time

Tonight as I was fishing the wheat chex out of the chex mix and leaving them all behind for Doug, I felt a smidge bad about it (not bad enough to stop.  I don't really like the texture of the wheat ones.  I've established I'm weird.  I prove it EVERY single blog post).  But then I thought of something he said to me the other day and I thought . . . "This is sort of like karma for that comment."  See how karma comes back to get you? 
I bet y'all feel sorry for Doug and all that he has to put up with me, but you know, he's not perfect.  Sometimes he says things that are not up to "Good Husband Etiquette." 
Like this one time . . . we may have been still dating- or were engaged.  I don't think we were married yet.  I was feeling really broke at the time and I said, jokingly, "I should go get a job at that topless bar!"  Doug replied, with conviction, "They'd NEVER hire you!"  There was a pause as we both absorbed his response.  Finally, I was like, "Why not?!"  (I so trapped him with that question!)  He said, "ohhh, ahhh, you have all your teeth."  Mmmm pretty crafty reply Doug.  I forgave him for creativity and quick thinking on his feet.  But I haven't forgotten.  Oh no, I haven't forgotten. 
Then just last week he comes up with this . . . So he'd had a bit of a health issue.  (let me preface this by saying, he's fine.  Nothing happened and he's ok) however, I got a call from the paramedics that they were taking him to the emergency room.  I was horrified!  Panicked.  1.  Was he ok?  and 2.  Shoot!!! I haven't showered and my hair is a fright!  The chance of me running into someone at the hospital I VOLUNTEER at ONCE a week is pretty good!  So I quick throw on clothes, do the best I can to fix up in hurried flustered circumstances, gather up the kids, and dash off in a flurry.  I get to the emergency room to retrieve him and do you know what that turd says to me, after I establish he's ok?!!!  "I don't want you to get upset, ok?"  I'm like- "sure, what?"  (I just know he's going to thank me for dashing to him in his time of need and apologize for causing me to fret.)  Then he says, "What's up with your hair?  It looks like you have 2 horns on top of your head."

 See, he totally deserves to only have the wheat chex left.  Karma's a bitch.  (or maybe just me.  :-)


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