Possibly I Am High-Maintenance

 At Christmas, I received an unexpected gift card from Alexa's Girl Scout Troop that am the current leader of (uh-oh, I think I just ended that sentence with a preposition.  Oh well.  I write like I speak- and I apparently don't speak with accurate grammar).  First, I was so thrilled that they thought to do something so kind.  I definitely don't feel like I deserved their generosity.  Second, I was thrilled because I had plans to buy a really good quality pillow.  Whew- y'all do I know how to live it up?!!!!  I was willing to spend at least $50.  I wanted a GOOD pillow.  I did a bunch of Amazon searching and reading reviews, and internet searching. I wanted a cooling pillow- because my head sweats a lot (TMI?!). I wanted a firm pillow, and I was pretty interested in memory foam.  I was thinking that if I had memory foam- it wouldn't lose it's shape quickly.  

Initially I really liked the pillow, but then I didn't love it.  It was too firm and full and flat.  I couldn't lay on my back with it- because my head was in a strange position that made my lower back uncomfortable.  I tried sleeping on my side- but again- because it was so dang thick, I actually would sleep with hardly any of my head on the pillow, which would really hurt my shoulders.  I would wake up with cricks in my shoulder blades and neck.  I couldn't return it because I had used it for about a month.  

I decided to stick it out . . . for approximately 6 months before I gave myself permission to try something else. Why in the world would I wait that long, and sleep with an uncomfortable pillow?!?!  Well- first of all, I spent a fair amount of money on it.  I had to keep trying- surely I would start liking it eventually.  The other reason is- I mean- c'mon! This is a good pillow and I don't like it?!  If I don't like it- what is out there that I could possibly like?!  I mean- I am clearly destined to a life of sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow.  Maybe it's my penance for constantly teasing Doug and my children?  Nah.  That's just irrational talk.  I'm not having to give penance for that.  Maybe for other stuff- like my trash mouth, but not for teasing my family.  

Finally this past week I was like, "Enough is enough."  I decided to give those contour pillows a try- and it just so happens that Belks had one- there's a Belks near my house, and I had a gift card!!!!  So I bought a $60 pillow.  I have now spent $100 on 2 pillows.  This pillow is a contour pillow with memory foam and it is also cooling.  

After the first night I LOVED it.  It was perfect.  It supported my head- and allowed my to sleep on my back- without impacting my lower back.  I could sleep on my side and it didn't hurt my shoulder.  Another unexpected benefit- I snore less.  

The trouble is . . . the contour pillow isn't exactly good for watching tv.  My head is too low so it hurts my eyes to look over my nose at the tv.   Tonight, I was sitting down on the bed to watch tv, and I put the contour pillow on the ground and picked up the other thicker pillow.  Doug said, "You don't like the new pillow? I thought you did."  Then I had to explain . . . now, I have a tv watching pillow and a sleeping pillow.  He looked at me like I am a weirdo. Then I heard what I said, and I said emphatically, "I'm high-maintenance!!! Ok!!!! I know it!!!" 

And there you have it- I'm one step away from being like the Kardashian's.   



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