Just a Few Random Things

 Y'all I am literally the worst blogger.  I keep thinking I might give it up- but that makes me sad.  I like this little blog.  I wish I was more consistent.  Here's what's been happening: 

1. We go to school.  Alexa goes 4 days a week.  Andrew goes 2 days a week.  Doug and I go 4 days a week.  I love seeing the students.  Last week I had an epiphany while one of my classes was reading The Canterbury Tales.  I realized one of the tales was the inspiration for a Harry Potter side story.  I shared this with the class- and one of the students and I geeked out over our love for HP.  I will not tell you tales of how hard this school year is- you watch the news/have children/talk to people.  It's all true.  This year is hard, but interacting with kids is what makes it tolerable.  I don't know how people who do full remote maintain their motivation and enthusiasm.

2. Alexa is going through a phase in which she's even more accident prone than usual- and y'all . . . . that's saying something.  In December, she sprained her ankle.  (in a typical sensitive mother moment, I told her she was fine and walk it off- it was only when she almost passed out, that I realized she was truly hurt and not just being dramatic).  In January, she forgot she left thumbtacks on the ladder to her loft bed (pointy side up)  and stepped on one.  It went all the way in her foot.  Another trip to the doctor and a tetanus shot.  (in case you were wondering- the rule of thumb is if it's been 5 years or more from your last tetanus shot- AND there is blood- you should get another one.)  In February, Doug attempted to pull a loose tooth out- and only part of it came out.  We had to go to the dentist to get the rest of it out.  Also throw in a flare up of low blood sugar incidents to spice things up.  She's taking all of my parenting prowess- to simply keep her alive.  She is frequently told, "Are you sure you should be doing that . . . you don't exactly have a good track record."  And yet- I taught her how to use a box cutter because she wanted to create something from a cardboard box, and well . . . I want her to be self sufficient and safe.  Hopefully she keeps all of her fingers.  

3. Andrew is boring.  He's 15 going on 25.  He spends his Friday and Saturday nights playing basketball with our backyard neighbor and crew.  Most of his friends have licenses, so now he can catch rides with friends to school (even though he goes to the same place Doug & I go), or to baseball practice or to play basketball on an actual court instead of a driveway.  He spends a lot of time looking for trucks and trying to talk Doug into considering at least one of them.  I'll say this- Andrew is staying within the parameters Doug set.  He's getting too cool to hang out with us.  

4.  My dog has bamboozled me.  About 3 weeks ago, she showed no interest in eating her usual dog food.  I added a bit of either canned dog food or cheese to it to entice her, but then that wasn't working as well, so I boiled chicken breasts and sprinkled chicken on her food.  Or I would scramble her eggs.  After a couple of weeks, I emailed our veterinarian and I was like, "Do you think she has parasites or she needs to come in?!!??!?"  She emailed back and said, "I think you need to stop putting treats in her food, see how she does and as long as she's not throwing up or having diarrhea, she'll be okay."  Sure enough . . . my dog has been fine since.  I cannot believe my barely 1 year old dog pulled one over on me.  I mean- I teach teenagers- I go to a job everyday expecting kids to try and trick me and I think I do a good job of knowing when they're pulling one over on me- and deciding whether to ignore it or not.  And yet- my precious puppy got me easily.  And I'd let her get me tomorrow, and the next day, and the week after . . . .she's so dang cute and I love her so much.  

That is pretty much all there is to us.  We're boring.  The weather is kind of sucky- but at least this afternoon we had sun for the first time in almost a week.  Our dog got more people walking with her than she is used to, but we all needed the fresh air and Vitamin D.  


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