Best Salad EVER

 This may surprise you to find out that I do love healthy food- because I talk about my love for all things chocolate and sweets a lot- but I do!!!  One of my favorite things is salad, because it checks all of my boxes: has vegetables, so I can feel wholesome and virtuous; variety of textures; filling and sustaining, but doesn't leave you feeling stuffed and uncomfortable; easy to fix.  

Years ago, I discovered mason jar salads years ago.  I fix them pretty regularly for lunch (and apparently a long time ago- I used to fix them for Doug too, now I do not.) They are literally my favorite lunch because- a) salad and b) super duper prepped for the week!  I fix 4 on a Sunday night, and my lunch is prepped for the week.  That is a glorious thing.  

Currently my favorite salad is this: 

That is some snack peppers cut up, and my favorite Southwestern Kale/Cabbage salad from Aldi.  

]Topped with some shredded chicken breast, and then baby spinach on top of that.

And now tomorrow morning, I just have to grab the jar out of the fridge, and the dressing included in the kale/cabbage mix, and I'm good to go.  It takes me like 15 minutes to prep them.  One of my most favorite Sunday night feelings is knowing my lunch is prepped, the laundry is folded, and my coffee is waiting for the timer at 5:05am the next morning.  Somehow if those things are done . . . I can handle anything a certain 10 year old doles out at 6:30am.  


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