A Rabbit Hole Called Instagram

A few weeks ago I realized I was spending a ridiculous amount of time on my phone a day.  A fair amount of that time was spent on Instagram. I have several Instagrammers I love to follow. Realizing how much time I was spending on my phone, I tried to pare who I am following down.  I tried to stick to people that I felt like were authentic, and not trying to sell me something.  A lot of them are home decorators, but I follow a couple of beauty influencers, a comedian, food/diet bloggers, friends and local businesses. 

A couple of my favorites are because I like to watch their toddlers.  One in particular is a beauty blogger, turned influencer.  I've followed her for probably 7 years now.  I discovered her on Pinterest, followed her to her blog, watched her YouTube videos, and then followed her to Instagram.  I love her because even though she's a beauty blogger, and a lot of times the make up she recommends is more expensive than I would buy, she does tutorials for make up and hair and I actually use them.  She's natural and normal.  She's not like a beauty influencer who's pushing the need to wear tons of product.  She wears normal clothes like t-shirts and jeans but still looks made up and like she tried (whereas on the weekend I clearly didn't try as I'm not wearing make up and my hair may be on day 3 of not being washed).  When she gives hair tips or hair styling tutorials- they're things I would (and have) try.  (look for k8_smallthings) 

I almost considered cutting this next one, but hung onto her for a bit longer.  She and her husband are in the middle of a complete home renovation of this super cool older house.  I like her style, how she includes her kids in projects,  and her pictures and stories about her house.  But she features a lot of "recommended" products (read- I'm being paid to promote this) which I don't love.  But anyway- this week, I have been watching her like a reality show.  On Sunday she told Instagram that her husband went out of town on a business trip for the following 7 days, so she was going to totally remodel the dining room.  Like . . . totally.  He has no idea.  She is painting all the molding, wall-papering, buying a new dining room table, new chandelier . . . the whole shebang!  Now- I've done some projects when Doug isn't home.  He's come home and found out I had 5 trees cut down in the backyard- and they were still laying there waiting for him to get them cut up.  But we mentioned once or twice that they were dead and needed to be cut.  He totally forgot that conversation and was pretty stunned, but I mean . . . trees that were dead?!  That's okay.  Right?!  Yes.  That's okay.  Another time he came home and I had painted stripes on the wall in the entry way.  It was pretty awful and I ended up painting over them.  I've never bought furniture without Doug, or wall papered without Doug (although- I should because he is VEHEMENTLY opposed to wall paper in a very rigid and close minded way).  I am fascinated that she is doing this as a "good surprise" because this wouldn't be a good surprise at my house.  This would be a very uncool thing to do.  I want to see her husband's reaction to what is some pretty ugly wallpaper (I can see why Doug would be opposed to this wallpaper.  But if I were to pick out wall paper- it would be very cool, because I only pick out cool things) and buying a dining room table and a chandelier.  This seems like a very weird, public test of their marriage.  I am inappropriately fascinated by it.  Once this dining room is revealed, I may have to let her go, because I don't want to get any ideas for ways to torture Doug.  I find plenty on my own, without being influenced. 


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