Sometimes Parenting is So Fun

I really entertained the heck out of myself this evening- at the expense of Andrew.
It started earlier this week.  He asked if we were doing anything this weekend, because one of his friends was having some friends over on Saturday evening to celebrate the friend's birthday, and then another friend was having friends over on Sunday for the same reason. 
I looked at Doug and said, "I think that'll be okay- Dad can go on Saturday, and I'll go on Sunday?"  Andrew's face was horrified.  "Wait- you're going?!!!!"
"Yes! Of course!  We know both of these young men, and like them!  We want to celebrate too."  "Mom!"
"HAH! Just kidding! Of course we're not going!! Or . . . are we?????"

Tonight, I drive him over to his friend's house.  On the way I talk about how I can't wait to meet the friend's mom. I mean, Dad has met her, I should too.  He's all, "Mom, you're just messing with me." Then I decide it would be super fun to meet her and talk to her with my really fabulous British accent.  "MOM!"  Then I ask, what time he wants me to pick him up- "9:30? because I go to bed at 10pm."  He just gives me this withering look of irritation.  "9:00?"  Silent fury.  "8:30?!"  More silence.  "8:00!!!  Why am I even bothering to bring you here if I have to come back and get you at 8:00?!!!"  "Mom.  You are being a real pain in the rear right now."  "What?! Me?  Unlikely." 

When we get to the friend's house, I unbuckle, move my purse like I'm getting out, and he's all, "What are you doing!?"  Then I just laughed and laughed because he was so worried I'd get out.

So here's the deal moms of littles.  They're difficult when they're toddlers.  And maybe their middle school years are difficult, or mornings, or whatever.  But they'll be teenagers, and it'll be so easy to torment them and that is how you get subtle revenge for the temper tantrums, eye rolling, and whatever else they are owed.  Bide your time, you'll get them eventually.  And it will be sweet, sweet revenge.  :-)


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