She's Getting So Brave

Sometimes parents like to brag on their kids like: All A's!!  Or Terrific Kid!!  Or Raised Money for Charity!!!

Not me. I like to keep it real.  I'm bragging about Alexa tonight, but it's not about your typical bragging things.  She's growing up and getting so brave.

The other night we were were sitting on the couch watching Sister Act and suddenly she says, "Ugh.  There's a moth flying around."  Sure enough.  There WAS a moth.  She calmly got up, got a tissue, and captured it, and threw it away.  I was stunned.  Two years ago- around this time she completely freaked over the teeniest bug in the world, in the shower with her.  Tonight, she didn't even blink her eye.  I would have reacted more than she did!  (Although- that's not saying a whole lot, as critters of any variety tend to make me excitable).

Tonight we had yet another completely calm reaction.  She had gone into the bathroom to take a shower, and suddenly she calls me in to the bathroom.  I walk in and she tells me to look in the toilet.  There's definitely something besides urine in there.  Not to be super gross, but I thought she called me in there to look at what seemed to be a really bizarre bowel movement.  Turns out- she had dropped a toy . . . in the toilet . . . that she had just used.  Well that explains what that super oddly shaped and colored item is.  I was like, "Bummer."  She said, "Well I need it."  I was like, "Well- my mother's love ran out.  I ain't sticking my hand in there for a toy."  She said, "Mom.  Go get me the gloves.  I'll get it."  She was all calm, and slightly condescending.  So I got her the rubber gloves.  She put them on, stuck her hand in the toilet, and then cleaned that toy really well.

Where did this child come from?  How is she getting so calm?  Oh- wait.  Is this . . . . . . . the calm before the storm of hormones?!!!!  How do I go back in time??????????


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