18 Years of Wedded Life

Today is mine  and Doug's anniversary.  We've been married 18 years.  I thought it would be fun to do a list of random memories from our 18 years.  I asked Doug to contribute.  He said, "That's dumb (except he used words that aren't family friendly, so I censored him).  Well Doug- now my memories will not be so Doug positive.  I'll bet by the time this list is finished, you'll wish you would have participated.  I don't get mad.  I get even. 

1. I think in 2003 or 2004 we decided to paint the exterior of our house over Spring Break.  I'd never worked so hard in my life (not even the time we put in a 50 foot long rock bed, and we had to haul at least of a ton of rocks in the wheel barrow from the driveway to the back, in July, in North Carolina). I was physically exhausted.  Actually doing the job wasn't awful, we had good food.  We enjoyed our time together.  We worked well together.  But my body was so tired by the time we were done.

2.  Another time we decided to put ceramic tile in our bathrooms.  We started with the master bath.  That project was a nightmare.  We were literally screaming curse words at each other.  Once we finally figured out I was the foreman, and Doug was the gopher- things went a lot smoother.  We will never do a tile job again though.  I don't know if our marriage could withstand it.  :-)

3. I got to be Doug's arm candy when he went to the awards ceremony for a truck he won, from being an amazing Ag teacher (that's for real- I just summed it up in reader friendly terms).  We flew out to Nashville, I met Paula Dean- and hit her, we got to stay in the OpryLand Hotel, and I got to celebrate a pretty doggone cool award with Doug.

4. He came to Charleston and Savannah with me- to cheer me on when I ran a 10K and a half marathon. 

5. I've taken Doug to the emergency room or Urgent Care for injuries about 7 times.  He's taken me . . . none.  Although he was very gracious and took me to get an MRI- in which I had to be sedated, and he didn't give me any lip about it.  It was very kind of him- because I have given him lots of teasing over him getting medical treatment.  He could have teased the heck out of me.  He didn't. 

6. One time I really screwed up a chili recipe.  I didn't have any chili pepper.  I did have cayenne pepper.  I used as much cayenne pepper, as I should have used chili pepper.  I couldn't eat it.  My mouth was on fire.  Doug ate seconds. 

7. Once when he left for a week to do Ag teacher stuff, I painted dark colored stripes on our light colored walls.  I waited until he left to do this project. It had been in the works for awhile.  Two weeks after he got home . . . I painted over them.  I pretend I did it at his request.  Really- I hated them too. 

8. I almost got into a fight with another baseball coach- in defense of Doug.  While it is one of the most embarrassing memories of my life . . . I am proud of my inner redneck because, ain't nobody gonna talk trash about Doug.  I will fight you. 

9. While Doug has said plenty of dumb things to me (WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR HAIR?!  Or when I was a brand new, broke as heck teacher, I said, "Maybe I should work at that strip club." (I was joking!!!) He said, "They'd NEVER hire YOU!")  he has said some pretty nice things too.  I remember we had watched a show and the main character was going through cancer treatment and her husband didn't respond to her physically anymore.  I said, "Would you be like that?!"  He said, "No- I'll always have the hots for you." 

Here's to 18 more and still having the hots for each other. 


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