January Favorite Things

Well y'all . . . one month down of my resolution to blog at least once a week, and I did it!!! Yeah- color me surprised, I made it a month accomplishing a resolution. I have been collecting a list of my favorite things for the month. Brace yourself kids- it's amazing! 1. I got this P rofessional Whipped Cream Dispenser as a Christmas present. OMG it's life altering!!!! We have fresh- homemade whip cream EVERY night!!!! Well- I mean not every night- that would be weird, over-indulgent, and unhealthy, but . . . we could. IT TASTES AMAZING! I throw some heavy whipping cream, a tablespoon of powdered sugar, and a tspn of vanilla. in the canister, shake it it up, insert the cartridge, and bam! There you have it- fresh whipped cream! Oooh it is soooo good! Aldi has some strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries this week, and I think some whipped cream on them will be a-maze-ing!!!! 2. Cooking bacon on my grill. Y'all!...