After Dark Rule

Have I told you about "The After Dark Rule?"  Basically, if Doug or I are out after dark . . . you bring home chocolate. 

It was easier when the kids were little because:
1- they had no knowledge of it (therefore, they couldn't think it applied to them.  It doesn't.  It's only for the grown folks, but then the young folks get fussy if they're not included, which defeats the whole premise: illicit chocolate.  Duh.  Illicit chocolate tastes better and has less calories.) 
2- the lines get a little blurry with kids  It used to be if you were out- you brought it home.  Now . . . Doug's at Andrew's practice.  Practice isn't exactly conducive to stopping by the store and getting chocolate.  I mean he could- but it's a whole other stop- and you have to include Andrew.  (now it's not illicit)  Sometimes he drops Andrew at practice and goes to stores- then he could sneak chocolate home, but . . . that happens so much then it's not special chocolate. 

Huh.  It turns out the After Dark Rule is a rule, that has explicit stipulations. 
The main rule is: if it's after dark, you bring chocolate home.

The stipulations are:
* If you're coming from a kid's practice- don't bring chocolate home
* if you're coming from a store- do bring chocolate home
* If you have kids with you- don't bring chocolate home
* If you don't have kids with you- do bring chocolate home
* If it's winter time, and you arrive home at 5:45 (technically after dark) . . . don't bring chocolate (kids aware- and too early)
* If it's after 8:00pm- and you can casually & subtly sneak the chocolate in . . . do bring chocolate home.
*If you brought chocolate home on Monday- don't bring it home on Tuesday. It's not special.
*If it's been a week since you last brought home chocolate- bring it home, but only if it's after dark and the kids don't know.

Sometimes it's okay to break these rules, and their stipulations though.  Tonight would be a good night for Doug to break the rules.  I'd really like some After Dark Chocolate. 


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