Got 'im

I love when Alexa trumps Andrew.  Usually she's at a complete disadvantage: physically and her wit is not quite as quick . . . yet.  Andrew's gonna have to start thinking faster, because she's getting good. She got 'im good tonight.

So we're sitting in the Chick Fil A drive thru line and Andrew is playing a song, that has a tongue trill sound in it.  He says, "Did you know I don't know how to make my tongue do that?"  WHAT?!  How did I know he can't do that!!!  I literally had no idea!  Alexa, from the back, "You can't make that sound?!" And she does it. I do it.  We're making the sound together.

Andrew says, "Well, y'all know how to make a guy feel good about himself."

While I didn't actually see her facial expression, I am pretty sure a massively mischievous look overcame her expression as she realized what this meant.  SHE could do something he COULDN'T!!!!  The angels sang from above as they looked down on her and sprinkled dusts of opportunity to rub it in.

Any opportunity on the car ride home, Alexa maximized on it.  I am so proud of her.  Seriously.  I like how fast she thinks.  I like how she takes opportunities by the horns.  I like that she reminds Andrew, bigger and older aren't always better.  You go girl!

It went like this: he was telling me a story about something at school, and said, "you know what's funny-"  She pipes in from the back, "I can tongue trill and you can't?!" And she did the sound.  Later, he said, "Can you open this ketchup? I can't." She jumped in with, "You can't trill your tongue either." It got 'im every time.  He never saw her snappy come back coming, and he had nothing to respond to it.

Way to "roll" with it Alexa!  (hahahahah!


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